Tag Archive | "news organization"

Do You Find Liberals Irrational Nonsense About Fox News To Be Amusing?

It’s very hard to respect liberals as a thinking group of intelligent people when they believe in and propagate such irrational nonsense about a news organization that is does nothing more than lean to the right to fill a niche that the mainstream media ignores. Jeez… open your minds.

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Keith Olbermann Suspension: Comcast’s Reaction To Embarrassment Over The Election Night Giggle-fest At Msnbc?

Olbermann was the ring-leader of the disastrous,dead-last-in-the-ratings debacle (sort of like “The View” without an Elizabeth Hasselbeck to at least provide a beauty among the beasts) that virtually destroyed any remaining suspicions that MSNBC might be loosely affiliated with a legitimate news organization. Amidst the ongoing nervousness about the new “Lean Forward” punch-line at MSNBC (which NBC insiders have admitted is a risky admission that one’s brand identity no longer has anything to do with real journalism), it is obvious that Olbermann didn’t get fired because the minor donations suddenly jeopardized his “impartiality”. And the fact that the suspension-without-pay has no time limit on it leaves one to wonder if this is part of Comcast’s transition strategy. Or is it Phil Griffin’s way to remind Olbermann and others that he really is the President and calls the shots? WHAT DO YOU THINK? WHAT IS THE REAL REASON BEHIND THE SUSPENSION?

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