Tag Archive | "jew"

Why Do “christian” White Supremacist Groups Hate Jews When Jesus Christ Was A Jew?

Most white supremacist groups, in America at least, affiliate themselves with Protestant Christianity. How then, could they claim to hate Jews when it has been historically proven that Jesus himself was a Jew/Semitic? Is there justification for this monstrous hypocrisy?
Jesus was born a Jew and died a Jew. He was born to a Jewish mother in a Jewish community and was circumcised eight days after his birth, as prescribed in Jewish law.
Mary was a Jew, and any jew can and will tell you that if the mother is jewish all her offspring will be jews as well.

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Should I Switch From Being A Seventh Day Adventist To A Messianic Jew?

I am thinking of leaving the Seventh Day Adventist Church and joining a Messianic Jewish Group. This group is affiliated with Chosen People Ministries. I question some of the Adventist teachings including their claim of being the remnant church and Ellen White and believe that Messianic Judaism to be more Biblical. What do you think?

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Is Antisemitism Affiliated With The Left?

Antisemitism is historically affiliated with the right, but now it seems to come under the name of “anti-Zionism”. I’ve often heard “Zionist” be used as a word to substitute “Jew”.

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