Tag Archive | "internet port"

Do I Need A Router To Connect To The Internet?

How does establishing an internet connection usually work, not just in the U.S. but around the world?
I’m currently studying in China, in the previous year, I was able to simply connect a cable from the internet port in the wall to my laptop. After that I would have to enter an account name and password, PPPOE.
Which makes me wonder about what a router actually does. The place I’m currently living in has just been built, the major internet line hasn’t been set up yet. I’m curious as to how I would go about setting up the connection.
Previously it seemed I had to buy these cards w/ the account name and pass from specialty stores, the cards were affiliated with the school. As the “dorm” i’m currently living in has no affiliation with the school it seems I have to go register something…not too sure on the details.
So, what does a router? Would I need one? Where does that “internet port” in the wall actually lead o.0?

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