Tag Archive | "innkeeper"

What Is The Title Of This Fantasy Novel?

The main characters (I think) are the daughter of a wealthy innkeeper and the slave of the inn. They go off on an adventure where she is crippled. She comes home and hides in the barn (her parents think she ran away), the slave pretends he bought a crippled slave woman from the market for a wife (I remember that the innkeeper told him he shouldn’t have done that. That he would have been more than happy to find him a better wife than a cripple), he gains his freedom, they leave, marry, and live happily ever after. Some royal or noble may have set them up elsewhere with an inn of their own, but that might be from another story.
I’ve been looking for this book forever, but since all I can remember is the end and not the content of the book, I’ve been having a hard time finding it.

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