Tag Archive | "huge room"

What Kind Humidifier Can I Get For An Open Plan Office?

I work in a large office and have my own cubicle there (no windows). The office is air conditioned, but the air gets very dry, so my eyes are always red and hurt badly by the end of the day. The quality of air also makes my nose runny. I wonder if I can buy a humidifier and keep it in my cubicle? Will it help me, or it doesn’t make any sense since the office is huge and it won’t do it’s job in keeping the air humidified around me? My cubicle is in a small niche, so I do have 3 walls. But the entrance to my niche leads to a huge room… I can’t ask my employer to put me in another cubicle or install an expensive humidifying system for the office… Are there any solutions?

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