Tag Archive | "house of commons"

How Does Liberal Stephen Harper Expect To Win The Next Election Without The Support From Conservatives?

It is no secret that Harper has basically given the finger to every true conservative in this country.
1. The size of government and the house of commons has increased.
2. He won’t push to defund the CBC.
3. He has and continues to silence pro life mps in his own party. And pretty much any REAL conservative that speaks up with an opposing viewpoint to him.
4. Government spending is up.
5. He won’t allow FREE market by allowing foreign companies to add more competition in the telecommunication sector.
6. He is funding international planned parenthood!
7. He broke his balanced budget promise.
8. He used tax dollars for the useless Libya mission.
This just to name a few. With such an anti conservative agenda, how does he expect to get any votes in the next election!? He has smeared this party and I hope he goes down as one of the biggest failures in Canadian politics!!

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