Tag Archive | "Hoax"

Who Else Thinks Facebook Is A Big Hoax?

I can’t help but feel like this whole facebook deal was created to profile people for unknown reasons. Everyone talks about Oh I should quit facebook because of privacy changes and this and that. Those are stupid reasons. It’s already been established that they do whatever they want with your info. What I would be really worried about is not who they share our stupid posts with, but why do they want soooo much information from us…? I mean everyday it’s more and more they want and they want us to connect us to all of our email accounts and every other website we go to.It’s rediculous they’re tracking peoples every move these days. Why is the founder still trying to make this thing more invading than it already is. I mean he’s filthy rich, why not find something else to do man.
These are just theories of mine but does anyone else have a feeling that there’s a secret group that created facebook and designed it so that eventually the whole world would voluntarily join and give these secret groups a way to profile you for some reason. Maybe another round up of undesireables or something along those lines.
Sure you can delete posts and what not but do you really think they don’t have archives of every single thing you’ve ever done on facebook? I don’t like it, it’s getting to be rediculous but they’ve got everyone by the balls because no one will give it up.
Just wanted to get some opinions because whenever you google search for this topic, everyone is talking about privacy issues. Bottom Line, We have no privacy from the people who run f book. They know everything about us, and want to know more. They say all this extra Bull **** is for marketing which i’m sure it is but what else do they want???? Also it’s like they are just dying for us to add anyone and everyone we’ve ever known. It’s like, chill out f book. We don’t need all these stupid suggestions all the dam time. If we want to find someone it’s very simple to do on our own.

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