Tag Archive | "habitat"

Chapter 54 Community Ecology Summer Assignment 2011, Test Your Knowledge Questions Multiple Choice.?

I was assigned this AP biology summer assignment, and i did all of the problems i could and here are some of the problems that i cannot find the answers for, and i would greatly appreciate it if someone would take their time out to help me with this. If your not 100% sure of the answer, just tell me your best guess. “note: that is if you know what your talking about and knowledgeable in this subject”
7.) Ecologists surveying the tree species in two forest plots of different ages. Plot 1 has six different species and 95% of all trees belong to just one species. Plot 2 has five different species, each of which is represented by approximately 20% of the trees. How would you describe plot 2 as compared with plot1?
a) Higher species richness
b) Greater species diversity
c) Lower relative abundance
d) Lower species richness
e) Both b and d are correct
Correct answer:
10.) invasive species often reach a large biomass because
a) They are better competitors than native species
b) They are usually producers and are not top predators.
c) They often lack natural predators or pathogens.
d) Their superior ability to disperse enables them to spread to new niche
e) They are often protected by the humans who have introduced them
Correct answer:
11.) why do most food chains consist of only three to five links?
a) There are only five trophic levels: Producers; primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers; and decomposers.
b) Most communities are controlled bottom-up by mineral nutrient supply
c) The dominant species in most communities consumes the majority of prey; thus, not enough food is left to support higher predators.
d) Acoording to the energetic hypothesis, the inefficiency of energy transfer from one trophic level to the next limits the number of links can exist.
e) According to the trophic cascade model, increasing the biomass of the top trophic levels causes a decrease in the biomass of lower levels, so that the top levels can no longer be supported
Correct answer:
16.) A major explanation for the decline in species richness along an equatorial-polar gradient is the correlation of high levels of solar radiation and water availability with biodiversity. Which of the following is also suggest as a factor in the high species richness of tropical communities?
a) The inverse relationship between biodiversity and evapotranspiration
b) The greater age of these communities (longer growing season and fewer climatic setbacks), providing more time for speciation events
c) The larger area of the tropics and corresponding richness predicted by the species-area curve
d) The lack of disturbances in tropical areas
e) The greater immigration rate and lower extinction rate found on large tropical islands
Correct answer:
18.) Which of the following best describes a zoonotic pathogen?
a) A pathogen that affects insects
b) A pathogen that requires a vector to spread from animal to animal
c) A disease-causing agent that is transmitted to humans from other animals
d) A pathogen that is found in zoos due to the unnatural habitat provided for animals
e) An ectoparasite that is transferred from animals to humans
Correct answer:
I would greatly appreciate it if someone is able to answer any of these questions.above
Also i would greatly appreciate it if someone who knows alot about this subject could tell me if I got these questions below answered right and if not what the correct answer should be.
4.) aposematic coloring is most commonly found in
a) Prey whose body morphology is cryptic
b) Predators who are able to sequester toxic plant compounds in their bodies
c) Prey species that have chemical defenses
d) Good tasting prey that evolve to look like each other
e) Plants that have toxic secondary compounds
Correct answer: E
5.) through resource partitioning
a) Two species can compete for the same prey item
b) Slight variations in niche allow closely related species to coexist in the same habitat
c) Two species can share identical niches in a habitat
d) Competitive exclusion results in the success of the superior species
e) Two species with identical niches do not share the same habitat and thus avoid competition.
Correct answer: B
8.) a palatable (good tasting) prey species may defend against predation by
a) Mullerian mimicry
b) Batesian mimicry
c) Secondary compounds
d) Aposematic coloration
e) Either a or b
Correct answer: D
9.) when one species was removed from a tidepool, the species richness became significantly reduced. The removed species was probably
a) A strong competitor
b) A potent parasite
c) A resource partitioner
d) A keystone species
e) The species with the highest abundance rate
Correct answer: E
Thank you all who take your time out to help me i greatly appreciate it

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One Biology Question.?

3. Ecosystems, biotic factors, and abiotic factors make up the _________.

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1. An Organism’s Niche Includes Its Habitat. A) True B) False?

2. An organism’s niche is the sum of all its interactions in its environment, including interactions with other organisms.
A) True
B) False

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What Is The Niche/habitat/biome Of A Lobster?

i need to know the niche, the habitat, and the biome of a violet-spotted reef lobster. If you can’t find that specific one; its ok. i just need the main overview.

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How Is The Reproductive System Of Kangaroos Adapted To Their Habitat/niche?

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How Does A Deer Adapt To Its Environment?

And how does that adaptation help it in its habitat or niche?
If you can, list a few points it would be well appreciated, x.

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