Tag Archive | "fish"

What Types Of Animals Would Be Likely To Survive A Nuclear Holocaust/mass Extinction?

I’m planning to write a post-apocalyptic story about the adventures of animals living after humanity destroys itself in a nuclear war. I’ve decided to have many of the general groups of invertebrates, amphibians, and reptiles survive in my story, but I’m having more trouble deciding on what types of fish, birds, and mammals would live.
The fish that I decided that I would use so far are the ones like lobe-finned fish, sharks, rays, jawless fish, seahorses, and mummichogs, but I can’t think of much else, because don’t know the exact nature of the impact that an event like this would have on modern marine life. With mammals I’ve got species like rodents, shrews, bats, pigs, wolves, and honey badgers, but again, I’m stuck. Birds are the ones that are giving me the most trouble, crows are actually the only birds that I’ve really decided on so far. So what other kinds of birds are likely to be post-apocalyptic survivors?
Also, what types of animals would likely evolve to replace large land predators if those were to go extinct? It’s just that I once read an old speculative biology book about how animals may evolve 50 million years in the future, and it had rats replace the large predators, but I also read on the Internet that there were more likely candidates to fill in that niche, but I don’t know exactly which.

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Read The Passage; Can U Help Please :)?

Read the passage, then read each question below the passage. In the answer area number from 1 – 3 and report the letter of the correct answer for each question.
Backyard ponds are for birds, butterflies, frogs, fish, and you and your family. In a pond, plants need to be a mix of emergent, submerging, and floating species. Emergent plants, those that have their roots in the water but their shoots above water, can be added to the edges of pools. These include cattails, arrowhead, and water lilies and are homes to many species of animals. Submerging species, or those that remain under water such as elodea, are often used as oxygenators. These are plants that remove carbon dioxide from the water and add oxygen. These plants are essential in most ponds to keep the water clear. Floating species or those that are not anchored at all in the pond include plants such as duckweed, water lettuce, and water hyacinth. While not as effective as oxygenators, these plants help keep the water clear by limiting the amount of sunlight that algae receive. The algae can not survive without a lot of sunlight.
1. According to this passage, what is the niche of “submerging” plants in a pond?
A. help keep the water clear
B. add oxygen to the water
C. provides food for the fish
D. reduce the amount of algae
2. Consider the relationships between the birds, frogs, fish and plants. What level of organization in ecology is this passage describing?
A. biosphere
B. biome
C. community
D. population
3. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Emergent plants provide homes to many animals.
B. Oxygenators are essential to life in a pond.
C. Algae can cause water to be contaminated.
D. Plants provide many resources to life in a pond.

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What Would The Niche Of A Duck Be?

Well you have to say “Ecological Niche” >.> Otherwise, people who took their last biology course many MANY years ago won’t know what the carp you’re talking about.
Ducks keep the populations of smaller fish stable, and also serve as food for several land/water based predators such as crocodiles.

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What Is The Niche Of A Ordinary Medium Fish?

I am trying to compare the niche of a fish and a crayfish help me please?

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What Is The Difference Between, Religious People, Politicians, And Mobsters?

They are all shades of black. Just one is blacker then the next.
One of em hides behind God’s light to con people, one of em hides behind the light while stealing from public and still has the odosity to smile while they take your hard earn money for their corrupt ways on deplomacy vacations lol, and the other one has the heart to say that is what he truly is and fuckes the government and the religion without pity or remorse.
I am a good person and I need money but I give back to my God for what he has given me. When I need money I use the money that I saved for God and give it to the needy or when I myself is needy. LOL.
We are all sheep among wolfs, and there is always a bigger fish in the sea. So beware religious affiliates and politicians with the biggest fish out there like mobsters!!!!!!!!!!!
We all know Mafias kill presidents and wash money from the Vatican. Sorry I didn’t mean the Vatican in the Region of Mobster in Italy. I must have been confused. I don’t want to be killed, lol.

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Best Pets For Starter Coral Aquarium?

I am very interested in creating a coral reef aquarium, but as someone who has not yet really dealt with saltwater aquariums I am curious what the best type of pets to get for it are? I don’t mind fish, but I am more intrigued by arthropods (especially crustaceans) and cephalopods. I am prepared to do adequate research before purchasing the animals for the reef but knowing a good mix is good to start. I don’t mind investing a bit into it but I would like to keep the daily maintenance costs down, specifically in feeding.
I would like to create a fairly self sustaining environment, but want to be careful to avoid predatory animals that will kill off other species housed with them or compete for the same specific niches (algae eaters, etc.)
Any websites or guides that can provide a good reference on creating a nice balance?

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