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What Is The Difference Between, Religious People, Politicians, And Mobsters?

They are all shades of black. Just one is blacker then the next.
One of em hides behind God’s light to con people, one of em hides behind the light while stealing from public and still has the odosity to smile while they take your hard earn money for their corrupt ways on deplomacy vacations lol, and the other one has the heart to say that is what he truly is and fuckes the government and the religion without pity or remorse.
I am a good person and I need money but I give back to my God for what he has given me. When I need money I use the money that I saved for God and give it to the needy or when I myself is needy. LOL.
We are all sheep among wolfs, and there is always a bigger fish in the sea. So beware religious affiliates and politicians with the biggest fish out there like mobsters!!!!!!!!!!!
We all know Mafias kill presidents and wash money from the Vatican. Sorry I didn’t mean the Vatican in the Region of Mobster in Italy. I must have been confused. I don’t want to be killed, lol.

No Responses to “What Is The Difference Between, Religious People, Politicians, And Mobsters?”

  1. stacy says:

    so basically, blacker is badder?

  2. Atheism Fails Again says:

    People will always be people. Follow Christ, not another man (or Christian).

  3. Mr. Makoosa says:

    I don’t see the logic in this,

  4. Future World Conqueror LOL says:

    You sound like a protestant…

  5. Unknown says:

    I’m sure the time you took to write this was well spent and the one which you faithfully obey is glad you wrote this instead of helping homeless people or helping victims of some sort. LOL.

  6. MOMMAH says:

    Only ONE will tell you the TRUTH…


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