Tag Archive | "End"

Is This A Realistic Timetable For Harold Camping’s Followers May 21 2011?

Let’s start at 5:00pm, an hour before the 2nd Coming of Christ and the Judgment of All Mankind is scheduled to occur, according to his brilliant numerology:
5:00pm = Everyone gets into their Sunday Best and goes to Chur- um…I mean, random parking lots and community centers all over the world to dance around singing “Hallelujah.Hallelujah.”
5:30pm = Last meal before the Rapture, funds are kind of tight so everyone will have to settle for Franks and Beans in the western hemisphere and just beans everywhere else. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s a juicy Thanksgiving Turkey, like the Israelites ate of the Mannah!” Camping will say.
5:59pm : Arms raised, hands joined with white knuckles, lots of crying and speaking in tongues…aaaaaaaaannnndddd…
6:05pm: ….arms getting tired… lots of people sneaking peeks at their wristwatches and pre paid cell phones …
6:20pm : Someone turns on the radio and flips through stations, listening for emergency reports of massive natural disasters….. nothing….. nothing… BBC football.. nothing… weather reports… top 40…nothing….
7:00pm : Evening News van crew outside the parking lot has went from snickering to belly laughing at the crowd , who is now milling around and thinning out.
8:50pm: Word is out that Harold Camping has been found dead in his broadcasting booth, dead from self inflicted gunshot wound into the brainstem. Around him are shredded pages of his personal bible , and scrawled on the glass of the booth in cupcake frosting are the words “DAMMIT I WAS SO SURE THIS TIME.”
10:00pm Camping’s family announces that an empty pile of clothes were found in Camping’s booth, and that they were closing the radio ministry and changing it to a Top 40 station affiliate, in order to pay off massive debts Camping accumulated these last few months.
12:00 AM 5/22/2011 : News reports start trickling in around the world of mass suicides of Campings followers, mostly overseas.
10AM 5/22/2011: Churches around the world have Sunday Service as usual, throwing in a quick word about “It does indeed say in the bible in several places that nobody knows when the end will come, just look at THAT idiot…” and life goes on.
The End.
What do you think?

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Is This A Realistic Timetable For Harold Camping’s Followers May 21 2011?

Let’s start at 5:00pm, an hour before the 2nd Coming of Christ and the Judgment of All Mankind is scheduled to occur, according to his brilliant numerology:
5:00pm = Everyone gets into their Sunday Best and goes to Chur- um…I mean, random parking lots and community centers all over the world to dance around singing “Hallelujah.Hallelujah.”
5:30pm = Last meal before the Rapture, funds are kind of tight so everyone will have to settle for Franks and Beans in the western hemisphere and just beans everywhere else. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s a juicy Thanksgiving Turkey, like the Israelites ate of the Mannah!” Camping will say.
5:59pm : Arms raised, hands joined with white knuckles, lots of crying and speaking in tongues…aaaaaaaaannnndddd…
6:05pm: ….arms getting tired… lots of people sneaking peeks at their wristwatches and pre paid cell phones …
6:20pm : Someone turns on the radio and flips through stations, listening for emergency reports of massive natural disasters….. nothing….. nothing… BBC football.. nothing… weather reports… top 40…nothing….
7:00pm : Evening News van crew outside the parking lot has went from snickering to belly laughing at the crowd , who is now milling around and thinning out.
8:50pm: Word is out that Harold Camping has been found dead in his broadcasting booth, dead from self inflicted gunshot wound into the brainstem. Around him are shredded pages of his personal bible , and scrawled on the glass of the booth in cupcake frosting are the words “DAMMIT I WAS SO SURE THIS TIME.”
10:00pm Camping’s family announces that an empty pile of clothes were found in Camping’s booth, and that they were closing the radio ministry and changing it to a Top 40 station affiliate, in order to pay off massive debts Camping accumulated these last few months.
12:00 AM 5/22/2011 : News reports start trickling in around the world of mass suicides of Campings followers, mostly overseas.
10AM 5/22/2011: Churches around the world have Sunday Service as usual, throwing in a quick word about “It does indeed say in the bible in several places that nobody knows when the end will come, just look at THAT idiot…” and life goes on.
The End.
What do you think?

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Is The Logical End Result For Evolution The Destruction Of Everything?

Because that’s what man is to nature….the destroyer
He fills no evolutionary niche, he fits no environment, he is not part of any “circle of life” he produces is nothing, consumes everything, and that which would have sustained itself indefinitely (plant and animal Life) is destroyed when he touches it (rain forest)
Is this really the apex of evolution……the destroyer of all things?
Or was man purpose made, and just went to sin?

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Need Help Accessing Database In Visual Basic?

heres my code
I know Manual_Ordeing is spelled wrong
Public Class Manual_Ordeing
Public Sub DisplayNames()
Dim connection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim datareader As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader
Dim command As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim ConnectionString As String
Dim SQLString As String
Dim outputString As String
ConnectionString = “Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data ”
ConnectionString += “Source=” & Application.StartupPath & “\User.accdb”
connection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(Connec…
Me.Text = Application.StartupPath
SQLString = “SELECT EquipmentTypeID,Description,Brand,Catego… Catalogue Code,Rental Cost per Day,Quantity of items,Quantity On Hire FROM ManualOrder ”
SQLString += “Order by Description ”
If ConnectionState.Open.ToString = “Open” Then
command = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQLString… connection)
datareader = Command.ExecuteReader()
If datareader.HasRows Then
While datareader.Read
If Not IsDBNull(datareader.Item(“Description”)) Then
outputString = datareader.Item(“EquipmentTypeID”).ToStr… & ” ”
outputString += datareader.Item(“Description”).ToString
‘outputString = outputString.PadRight(22)
outputString += datareader.Item(“Brand”).ToString.Substr… 10)
End If
End While
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show(“Error accessing database”)
End Try
OutputListBox.Items.Add(” “)
OutputlistBox.Items.Add(“Count: & OutputListBox.Items.Count -1”)
End Sub
Private Sub ReadListButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ReadListButton.Click
End Sub
End Class
Thing is its just telling me i cant access the god damn database when the database is in the correct folder and I have the path to find the god damn database its wreckin my head

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Freelancing Doing Quickbooks, Payroll And More Is It A Dead End Trying To Do This Not Being A Cpa?

My friend keeps telling me to not bother where the competition is not only high doing this but CPA’s start up bookkeeping businesses with tax experience have a huge edge not just in education but experience and why would they give me their important financial info. I said to get experience in quickbooks I would by it for myself then take a course at a community college first in accounting principles and a QB/payroll course. After that work 6 mo. /1 year for a bookkeeping company if they would take me and then try to start doing freelance? Does it not matter if your a cpa or very experienced or if you are not then are you just wasting time if I have nobody as a figurehead with lots of expereince and then that way they I can get customers? Also is there a way to niche this? My friend said his wife is a controller and left the bookkeeping company because they constantly had competitors poaching their clients and that would cut into profits so argh ! Any thoughts Please! Thank you for your suggestions:-)

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