Tag Archive | "ebay amazon"

Ebay, Amazon & Craigslist Buying And Selling Margin?

I’m curious to know if anyone has ever tried using your Local Craigslist to Sell deals you get from eBay or Amazon. The only problem I find is: knowing an item which has great demand but have a higher chance for a local to ring and pick-up that item, I think it highly depends on the ‘saturation’ or how many peeps covers your CL (Craigslist) area.
Not even that but doing the same in eBay or Amazon but I don’t like to bother coming and packaging for shipments. Niche items like a Laptop or an iPhone? What are the chances? Have you done such?

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Affiliate Network.. Can’t Remember The Name?

a couple years ago I was part of an affiliate network but I forgot the name… some the businesses involved were like ebay … amazon.. mastercard.. anyone know? thanks so much.

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