Tag Archive | "DVDs"

Which Movie Streaming(watching) Or Movie Selling(in Disks) Websites Offer Affiliate Marketing Services?

I blog about movies. I want a website I can refer my daily visitors so that they can watch or buy movies and I get to earn a commission from what they spend or if they sign up. I am currently referring my visitors to Amazon and I get only 4% of what they spend. Most DVDs on Amazon go for around 10$ and so when you calculate 4% of that I am barely making anything.
Please give me a list of other websites I can refer my visitors to especially those that charge to stream and watch movies online instead of buying them in disks. Are there any like those?

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Will Bandai Be The Next Anime Company To Go Under?

OK, Bandai has been in tough shape financially for quite awhile now. It is no secret that the K-ON! franchise is their last gasp and hope for survival. K-ON! has become a huge hit, both in Japan and in the US…and Bandai has “bet the farm” on it. If K-ON! doesn’t sell extremely well, Bandai is most likely toast.
So, do you think that Bandai seriously gouging on the new DVDs for Season 1 will pay off, or do you think it is a bad marketing idea that will alienate K-ON! fans. (For those who do not know, Bandai is charging a small fortune for 4-episode packs and they are stretching out release dates on K-ON!)

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Folks, Do You Think This Is A Cool And Different Guy?

1. Real, down to earth
2. Laughs at himself
3. He can keep secrets; not a snitch
4. He doesnt like going to clubs
5. Has a sense of humor; very funny
6. He can do impersonations, impressions of other people and famous stars
7. He doesnt like today’s rap
8. Sometimes stay at home all day; watch TV Land and movies (DVDs)
9. Goes to flea market, museums on weekends
10. He likes to draw, write, shoot pool
11. Plays music around the house (Earth, Wind & Fire, Stevie Wonder,etc)
12. Starts conversations
13. Wears headphones; likes listening to music
14. Dresses decent; doesnt sag or dress like a thug

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