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Wells College Vs Drew University?

Hi, I’m torn between Drew University and Wells College
I’m planning on majoring in Political science and a pre-law focus. Drew University offers this UN semester which sounds really interesting, they also have this Terrorism course that I badly want to take too. But Wells also has this National Model United Nations conference and a Public Leadership Education Network. Both of them also offer a pre-law track.
I’m an international student so I can’t really see the campus so i’d like a non-biased opinion. I heard that Wells has an amazing environment but then again so does Drew. I mean I don’t really care if Wells is in the middle of nowhere, I just wanna have a quality education since that’s what I’m going for.
I have read a lot of negative feedback regarding Drew almost about everything while Wells had lots of positive ones. What I also like about Wells is it’s affiliated to Cornell,U of Rochester and Ithaca, they allow their students to cross-enroll to those Universities. Both schools offer awesome study abroad programs too.
Oh and Wells is 5 hrs to NYC while Drew is 50 mins. Walmart is 20 mins away from Wells which is.. bad, I mean it’s in the middle of nowhere. I also received a scholarship from Wells but I’m still waiting for Drew’s offer, if ever. So anyway! Help! those student reviews are scaring me, I need your honest opinion about both schools.

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