Tag Archive | "dream"

Family Has Cast Me Aside And Alone?

okay i’m a 22 year old guy and am currently living at home. i quit college 2 years ago to follow my dreams.. this is something that left my parents pretty surprised, as they are the typical “american dream” famiily and think life is about a career.
i’m at that stage where i’m still finding my niche in life. i’m finding more about myself and where i’m at now i don’t have any friends really nearby.
my 23 year old sister is currently at home as well. she graduated and is at home. anyways she is always, ALWAYS with my mother. they do nearly everything together; shopping ,watch TV, etc.
we hang out, but only when her and my mom aren’t doing anything, which isn’t too often.
she sees my loneliness but doesn’t care enough to hang out with me.
this hurts me b/c this year has been so hard and my family doesn’t really help me out in my tough time..they love me but they don’t ever talk to me much, especially my sister and father. my mom occasionally does.
should i be mad at my sister or not?

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A Woman Came Up To Me Out Of Nowhere Tonight And Told Me My Abilities In My Dreams Will Become A Reality.?

Ok here’s the deal, I have ALOT of lucid dreams where I have telekinetic abilities, Every night. With every dream the powers get stronger, and I learn how to control them more. Well, A woman came up to me tonight (This morning at around 1:20) out of nowhere and stopped me by calling my name. I’ve never seen her before nor have I ever met her. The only thing she said to me verbatim was “You know those dreams you have where you have unimaginable abilities? It’s for a reason, they will manifest to you in this dimension sooner than you think” and she disappeared after I continued walking, she wouldn’t even reply to my questions. After I asked her “How do you know what I dream” I turned around and she was gone. Keep in mind I live in rural Yerington, Nevada and there was absolutely nowhere to go for an old woman with a limp in her left leg and being a total of probably 5 foot 5. She was walking right behind me, I asked the question turned around and she was gone. I was wondering if anybody else has ever had this happen to them? Same with the constant lucid dreams with psychokinetic abilities? Sometimes when I’m awake and I’m angry, yelling at somebody something around me would either fall or break.
You don’t have to believe me, if you’re affiliated with any kind of religion, keep your opinions to yourself. Cause quite frankly… I don’t believe your religion and you don’t believe in my lack of organized religion.
I was just wondering if anything like this has happened to anybody that can also let me know how to control this “ability” instead of it only happened when I’m under some sort of stress or anger.
Much obliged.

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Had 3 Weird Dreams, So Awful?

6/22/12 – 6/23/12
First dream was with Hex and Bajo, (if you don’t know them, they are TV hosts of a show called good game) they were playing Alex Kidd and near the beginning of the stage they found a secret level by glitching the game, after that they started playing champions online for some reason.
2nd dream, for some reason Sylvester Stallone was chasing me, i ran into my house and Arnaldo Schwarzenegger was my dad and he was just sitting on the sofa reading the paper
then Stallone came to my house in a helicopter, i grabbed a gun that shoots out rockets and eventually bought down the heli, Stallone walked in my house, i cannot remember what happened next.
This dream was a bit strange and awful
i met this little 8-11 year old girl i think she liked me, asked to me to help with get school project, something about a mosaic. i never showed up, until later because i was fighting Stallone, she forgave me but she got angry with me a lot screwing up a few time on her project, just then bullies came and started picking on her, of course i stepped in, i don’t know i felt like i needed to protect her, like a father figure, then they started picking on me, they stole stuff and started playing keep away, i cannot remember much after that point but i had a dream, yes a dream in a dream..it can happen.. i was grown up…well grown up more and the little girl was not a girl anymore she was like 20 something and i think we dated.. i cannot remember what happened next. just then the dream within the dream ended and we were back to our ages, and i was back with the little girl at the table with her project, just then the bullies came back, but it seemed this scene was the same as last time, so i knew exactly what they where going to do, with the keep away i grabbed the item straight away, they kept trying to steam from us but i wouldn’t let them and they were angry and surprised. after that school bell rang and everybody was going home, i walked to the bus stop but the bullies kept following me, when i got on the bus the girl was there to, she told me why she was angry and she liked me…….. i cannot remember what happened next (honest)
Just then i was in the dream within a dream again, this time it was at a market place. but this time i wasn’t my older version me, instead i was my self, and i can see the older version me walk by, (think of back to the future 2) then i heard one of the bully from before called out to the older me, he was an adult too, but my older me didn’t listen and walked away.
after that i confronted me, and told me i look familiar, he also told me the little girl i was with years ago, well he knocked her up and told me the baby next to him was his, the baby was around 3 weeks old, the baby looked kind of weird, like not a real baby in real life, but a baby is still a baby. this part i hated and wish i never dreamed it
i grabbed the baby and started punching it and punching it, it was bleeding everywhere, the bully didn’t seem to do anything he was like paused
i then realized what Ive done and i picked up the baby which was crying and i cuddled it and i was so sorry, i gave the baby to the bully, and i walked away and looked through the stalls.
i went to one stall, which had professional looking drawing pencils, i was interested in it, and i asked how much it was, the stall owner told me it was $399
after that i woke up
What does all this mean?

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Please Help 20pts All Models?

I’m just looking for some guidance. I have big dreams and goals. I’m only 15 but I been modeling since fourth grade. Living in virginia and having a dream like this is super hard because as everyone know virginia isn’t a fashion capitol. My luck hasn’t been too good. Only things I keep running into is modeling schools that charge a arm and a leg for everything and then I end up getting nothing out of the deal. I’m only 5’3 and my niche is runway but everytime I google about petite model I see they can’t do runway only priny films commercials. Could you please give a little guidance? Thanks,have a good day.

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Gaia Dream Avatar…?

Alright, I have my dream avatar and I’ve already bought the things that I can, however, there are some items that I’ve looked for that I cannot find in the market place/in the stores or I don’t have enough money for them.
These are the items that I cannot find/cannot buy:
– Mammon’s Wings
– Burn Devil Horns
– Secret Retreat
– Alruna’s Rose
Now, I do understand that these are extremely expensive/valuable. I would be willing to pay you for them, however, as of right now I only have 25 gaia cash and 18,522 gaia gold. I could also do something for you in regards to writing and what not. I could write you a poem or a story/whatever you chose. I could even pay you back the full amount in a series of payments.
Anyway, I would really appreciate any help that I can get. Please, if you have it and you don’t use it/don’t really want it anymore consider allowing me to have it.

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Movie Idea Leave Feedback?

Mike Baker is a 22 year old University of Virginia graduate, who gets drafted in the 2nd round of the MLB draft to the Baltimore Orioles. In his 3rd career start for the Fredrick Keys (minor league affiliate) he is hit in the head, from a comebacker up the middle. He goes into a coma, but something spectacular happens. His REM Cycle that controls when you can dream isn’t cycling and remains on. In the real world Mike Bakers family and friends have to deal with the pain and suffering, worrying for Mike. However after being hit by the ball, Mike (in his REM Cycle) moves on with life. To him he just has a bruise on his head. The basis of the novel focuses on the difficulties the outside world faces adjusting to Mike’s condition, while in Mike’s world he is continuing to live his normal life. As Mike’s condition digresses in the real world, Mike begins to feel the repercussion’s in his dream. He develops bruises over his body and regularly gets increasingly worse nose bleeds. Mike in the dream hides the condition from the Baltimore Orioles organization and works his way up the system. Eventually Mike makes it into the MLB. Near the same time in the real world, his condition has gotten worse and he is now on life support. Mike’s dream since he was a little kid was to pitch against the New York Yankees. He gets his chance in his first major league start in New York Stadium. Mike pitches the game of his life and is near throwing a no hitter. Meanwhile in the real world, Mike has minutes left in his life. Life Support is struggling to keep him alive and his family decides to pull the plug. As Mike strikes out the last hitter, he completes his dream of throwing a no hitter against the Yankees. As his team runs out to celebrate with him, Mike feels a sharp pain in his heart. The plug has been pulled and Mike in the dream is dying. He is rushed to the hospital where he dies of a heart attack. Mikes family mourns him and has a funeral. At the funeral the play videos and pictures of Mike getting his first baseball bat, his first hit, his first homerun, and the day he was drafted. The audience sheds tears, commemorates Mike’s wonderful life, and buries him in his grave. The novel ends.

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