Tag Archive | "damages"

Soliciting Legalities And More?

I have been an affiliate with a website call MaxBounty for almost a year now. They have ZIP Offers, Email Submit Offers and Address Submit Offers among many other things. I was looking to start hiring people from Craigslist to hand out flyers with these various offers on them, but wanted to get a legal opinion.
Basically I would print the flyers of the offer they want to hand out (would be their choice) then would send them all the flyers. They then could work when they want and hand out the flyers where ever, when ever. They would be paid on commission so I don’t have to pay hourly and keep up with who is doing what. Each person would have a different URL on their flyer so I could track them.
Here are my concerns and questions:
– Is this a serious offense if they’re handing these flyers out?
– I was thinking of making them sign a written agreement that said their soliciting methods were completely up to them and I would in no way be liable for any damages. Is this necessary? If so, should I write it up, or should I have a lawyer?
– Some of these offers are like this: Test & Keep an Xbox 360 FREE. In the ad it does say details apply, but I have never asked exactly how all that works. Are these legal? Would it be an issue if the person handing the flyers chose one of these to hand out?
– Should each person get a soliciting license for a certain municipality to only hand out in the city? Or is this not necessary?
– If there were issues with the person handing the flyers out, would I ever be held accountable? Given that I’m just the middle man, I wouldn’t think there would ever be issues brought on me, especially considering I’m not making them hand them out in certain area. Also, the offers that the people would be sent to are not programs that are owned by me.
Thanks in advance for any help!

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Indicate Which Accounting Assumption Or Conventions Have Been Violated In The Following Situations And Justify?

1. In order to save time and reduce paperwork, Mr.X keeps only one set of records, combining his personal and business records. Accounting assumption or convention violated?
2.Because management wants to make a good impression upon the corporation’s stockholders, management has decided to list the land on the balance sheet at its current market value which is twice as much as the corporation paid for the land when it was purchased five years ago.
Accounting assumption or convention violated?
3.A lawsuit has been filed against the company seeking $50 million in damages for customer injuries. Because management is concerned that news of the lawsuit would depress the price of the company’s stock, they have decided to keep the lawsuit a secret from their stockholders.
Accounting assumption or convention violated?

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Can Someone (preferably A Lawyer) Please Explain What This Paragraph In A Contract Mean?

The Contract is under California state law
“The Author at all times shall indemnify, defend (with counsel acceptable to the Company) and hold harmless the Company, its parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and the employees, agents, successors, and assigns of each, from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, and losses, liabilities and expenses, including reasonable outside attorneys’ fees, arising out of or caused by any breach of any of the representations, warranties, undertakings, or agreements made by the Author hereunder.”

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