Tag Archive | "Cant"

I Can’t Get Logged Into My Email. I Changed The Password 3 Times Per Prompts, It’s Been A Week?

I entered my ORIGINAL password again and again, no access, then I tried clicking on the I can’t access my email link, tried all of that, waited more than 24 hours, tried a different browser, changed the password 3 times, still no access It has been a week

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I Can’t Get Logged Into My Email. I Changed The Password 3 Times Per Prompts, It’s Been A Week?

I entered my ORIGINAL password again and again, no access, then I tried clicking on the I can’t access my email link, tried all of that, waited more than 24 hours, tried a different browser, changed the password 3 times, still no access It has been a week

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If Americans Commit A Felony We Can’t Hunt + Apply For Pass Ports + Apply For Certain Jobs… But Y R The?

illegal Mexicans with gang affiliates + criminal backgrounds allow to become US citizen

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Ahhh – Why Can’t I Just Get It Right?

I started a new job about 8 mths ago. Educational/school counsellor. At first it was hard, but then I found my niche and the bosses went out of their way to say how much they liked my work. (they had an alterior motive, too I think since the previous person in my job went on stress leave because of them, and the wanted to prove they could look after me). But nevertheless things were good.After coming back from summer hols, I’m not sure but things are not so good. In particular something has come from left field. A student has had some major incidents (they are fine now though) and I have not been working on the case – information was not passed on to me very well and I didn’t pick up the gravity of the situation. After the handover I wasnt’ involved in the case, my slip up mostly. Information about the case was passed to my supervisor from the outside agency that dealt with the student, and she came to help us deal with it. Embarrassingly, she told me in front of my on-site bosses what I had to do and taht it was really important. I feel so caught out. I even said to my bosses that I didn’t know much about the case – I feel so embarrassed as it would have seemed like i was ducking for cover. My supervisor is showing she doesn’t trust my work by questioning me on other cases too. The bosses questioned me at a meeting too. I had answers but them questioning me is a big deal. It’s as good as a reprimand. I feel so shown up – like my facade is falling down – my reputation changing to that of unreliability.
I feel like I’ve lost my reputation 🙁 So hard to stop ruminating over this and get back on the front foot 🙁
I work in a very high stress job with fairly decent pay – has anyone else been through this? Tips on digging back in despite worries and doubts?

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Ahhh – Why Can’t I Just Get It Right?

I started a new job about 8 mths ago. Educational/school counsellor. At first it was hard, but then I found my niche and the bosses went out of their way to say how much they liked my work. (they had an alterior motive, too I think since the previous person in my job went on stress leave because of them, and the wanted to prove they could look after me). But nevertheless things were good.After coming back from summer hols, I’m not sure but things are not so good. In particular something has come from left field. A student has had some major incidents (they are fine now though) and I have not been working on the case – information was not passed on to me very well and I didn’t pick up the gravity of the situation. After the handover I wasnt’ involved in the case, my slip up mostly. Information about the case was passed to my supervisor from the outside agency that dealt with the student, and she came to help us deal with it. Embarrassingly, she told me in front of my on-site bosses what I had to do and taht it was really important. I feel so caught out. I even said to my bosses that I didn’t know much about the case – I feel so embarrassed as it would have seemed like i was ducking for cover. My supervisor is showing she doesn’t trust my work by questioning me on other cases too. The bosses questioned me at a meeting too. I had answers but them questioning me is a big deal. It’s as good as a reprimand. I feel so shown up – like my facade is falling down – my reputation changing to that of unreliability.
I feel like I’ve lost my reputation 🙁 So hard to stop ruminating over this and get back on the front foot 🙁
I work in a very high stress job with fairly decent pay – has anyone else been through this? Tips on digging back in despite worries and doubts?

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I Can’t Take This Cymbalta Withdrawal Anymore!!?

Hi, I’m a 17 year old male who have been on cymbalta for almost 3 years. I was on it for mainly anxiety and depression. It has really helped and thought it was the magic pill for my problems. My doctor said there is very minor side effects after taking it and few people experience it.
I have been on 60mg for about 8 months and want to get off because I feel better. My doctor prescribed my 40 mgs and to take them for a month and then switch to 20mg.
I’m 2 weeks into the 40mgs and I was NEVER told about the withdrawal effects from this drug. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life! I get these body aches ( I actually thought I had the flu but it turns out its too long and i’m not sick!) I get headaches 24/7 and along with brain zaps that make me feel out of body experiences when they occur and I stop in the middle of what I’m doing and make a weird face because it hurts so much!
I even feel lightheaded and jittery (as if I drank 3 cups of coffee). I then also feel weak at the same time and I can NOT pay attention in school (I zone out most of the time!) I also can’t remember ANYTHING!!!!!!
My parents asked me what I did in class and I can’t remember anything but little bits of what happened (Like I had a blackout) I can’t even remember most of the things I am told and I feel like I can’t learn in class because of this!!!!
I also feel like i’m going crazy from all these withdrawals!!!!
What do I do?!! Do i go back on the medication?!!! I feel like I was taking oxycoten or heroin and having withdrawals (We learn about what the withdrawals are in D.A.R.E) it is HELL!!!!
I feel so mentally/physically sick right now and I don’t know what to do!!!! I don’t want to keep going on it because I don’t want to feel like its controlling my life (Which it is)… I think Its sad that I get jittery and get desperate to take the pill (As if its f’ing xannax or heroin).
since I still have old 60mgs (I still have one more refill) I’m thinking about taking it again because these withdrawals are crazy! I can’t believe how addictive this drug is!
I look on other websites and see thousands are having the same problem I am! Is there a way I can complain to the FDA to get this taken off the market because it is so addictive!
Also is there a legal action I can take since I wasn’t told about how SEVERE the withdrawals are?!! Also even on the website it doesn’t show you all the withdrawal symptoms (As if its a secret).

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