Tag Archive | "felony"

If Americans Commit A Felony We Can’t Hunt + Apply For Pass Ports + Apply For Certain Jobs… But Y R The?

illegal Mexicans with gang affiliates + criminal backgrounds allow to become US citizen

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First Time Voting And I Need Help!?

Ok this is my first year ever voting and I know in Fl state laws, that its a felony to vote in a different precinct than what you were assigned to. I know where to go. Now what i am wondering is lets say im not affiliated with a party on my voter card. but something weird i seen on the forms and what not was that you had to vote for the candidates running in you party. ok i don’t have a “party” so what am i suppose to do? just give me some examples of what it was like for you guys to vote. i don’t wanna get there on the day and freak out and not know what to do. or have to ask the ppl working there and they don’t know what to tell me, please help

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