Tag Archive | "cable"

Will The Republican Debate Tonight Be Aired On Nbc Washington?

It’s the local non-cable NBC affiliate. I do not have cable but I want to watch the debate on television. Using the internet is not an option.

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Espn3 Help For Xbox 360!?

I have a ESPN3 affiliated cable provider (Charter) but I don’t have an affiliated ISP (CenturyLink). Could I still get ESPN3 access on my PC AND Xbox 360? Thanks!

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What Exactly Is Affiliate Marketing?

Second and third-party ads, or spam from a source _of_ a source. For example: Someone pays Yahoo! for banner ad space, but then has to withdraw their ad at the last minute. They can’t get a refund from Yahoo!, so instead they sell or sub-lease the ad space they have to another party, or an “affiliate”.
Another way to look at it would be through the over-the-airwaves broadcast TV model. The TV networks send out a signal, or content. That content gets sent out, or repeated, at broadcast stations that are local affiliates, or second parties. Both the network and the station are separate entities in terms of buying airtime for advertising purposes. It gets even more complicated still when a local broadcast station also becomes the go-to station on cable TV as well since the cable company is _also_ a separate party when it comes to ad time. So the network can buy one set of ads, end up having to deal with affiliate broadcasters _already having_ that time in certain locations, and then end up having conflicts with the cable providers wanting a _third_ set of ads in the same place….and this is before the advertisers resell and sublet air-time they’ve bought to each other.
In short terms: It’s not just spam, it’s _complicated_ spam. Good luck figuring out whose fault this _really_ was.

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Do I Need A Router To Connect To The Internet?

How does establishing an internet connection usually work, not just in the U.S. but around the world?
I’m currently studying in China, in the previous year, I was able to simply connect a cable from the internet port in the wall to my laptop. After that I would have to enter an account name and password, PPPOE.
Which makes me wonder about what a router actually does. The place I’m currently living in has just been built, the major internet line hasn’t been set up yet. I’m curious as to how I would go about setting up the connection.
Previously it seemed I had to buy these cards w/ the account name and pass from specialty stores, the cards were affiliated with the school. As the “dorm” i’m currently living in has no affiliation with the school it seems I have to go register something…not too sure on the details.
So, what does a router? Would I need one? Where does that “internet port” in the wall actually lead o.0?

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