Tag Archive | "Barack"

Would These Be Good Attack Ads Against Barack Obama?

I think this ad by Romney is BRILLIANT copying obama’s 2008 “Fundamentals” ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o8GSkkeXH0&feature=plcp
Here are some of my ideas:
1. Listen to Barack Obama in 2006: “Raising the debt limit is a sign of leadership failure”. Now the debt’s growing at $4 billion a day, at $16 trillion. In 2008: “If you don’t have anything to run on, you’re going to run nasty ads to scare voters about your opponent” And he’s run the most negative campaign in history. In 2009: “If I don’t get this done in 3 years, it’s going to be a one-term proposition” Oh really, Mr. President? We’ll take you up on that. “I’m Mitt Romney, and I approve this message.”
2. Radical Barack Obama was friends with terrorist Bill Ayers, who bombed the Pentagon, endangered millions of people, and said his only regret was that “he didn’t do enough”. His affiliate Tony Rezko is now facing years in prison for fraud charges. He’s endorsed by radical Muslim Louis Farakkhan who said that his goal was to destroy America. His own pastor, who baptized Obama’s children and preached to the Obamas for 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, said “God damn America” and called America “the US of KKK A”. And now, his trusted advisor, Cass Sustein, wants to ban all meat and allow animals full representation in court. Barack Obama: The more you know about him, the less you trust him. Too Radical. Too risky. Dead wrong for America. “I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message”
3. Obama has added over $10,000 in debt for every American. He took over the banks, the auto companies, and then put government in charge of our healthcare. Gas prices have skyrocketed and unemployment has been above 8% for over 40 months. It’s time for a change. “I’m Mitt Romney, and I approve this message”
4. Barack Obama. Mitt Romney. Two men running for President with very different records. Mitt Romney worked at Bain capital, creating over 100,000 jobs. Barack Obama never really had a job. Under Romney’s leadership, Massachusetts had a 4.7% unemployment rate. Under Obama, America has had unemployment above 8% for 40 months. Romney supports the Keystone Pipeline to create jobs and lower gas prices. Obama not only opposes the Keystone Pipeline, he personally blocked the plan that would’ve created 100,000 jobs right now. The choice is clear. Mitt Romney. “I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message.”
5. Obama and Romney on energy. Romney supports the Keystone Pipeline, which would create over 100,000 jobs right now. Obama doesn’t. Romney supports drilling in Alaska, expanding oil shale development, and rescinding the offshore drilling moratorium, to lower gas prices right now. Obama doesn’t. Romney opposes a national energy tax, which would increase electricity rates up to 25%. Obama supports one. So next time you see an Obama attack ad(shows TV screen with “Big Oil” and Romney with oil spatterings), remember who will fight for lower gas prices. “I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message.”

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Why Did President Obama And His Family Take Separate Jets?

President Barack Obama’s much-maligned holiday vacation turned into an even bigger PR nightmare today as it emerged that he and his wife took separate government jets to Martha’s Vineyard just hours apart.
Michelle Obama was revealed to have arrived at the Massachusetts retreat, only 500 miles from Washington, four hours before her husband yesterday.
She was accompanied by their daughters Malia, 13, and Sasha, 10, and landed at around 2pm – four hours earlier than the President.The extra transport to get the the First Lady to the island for only a few more hours of vacation time will have cost taxpayers thousands in additional expenses.The costs related to Mrs Obama’s solo trip mainly include the flight on the specially designed military aircraft she took instead of Air Force One, as well as any extra staff and Secret Service that had to be enlisted to go with her.
She would also have had her own motorcade from the airport to her vacation residence.
The President had already drawn scorn for using two helicopters and Air Force One to get to Martha’s Vineyard.
The President will be staying with his family at the Blue Heron Farm, a sprawling, $50,000-per-week estate with plenty of room for staff and Secret Service agents accompanying him on the trip.
The family are to spend 10 days in a rented compound.
The President arrived on this wealthy Massachusetts island retreat as the stock market plunged and a new poll showed just 11 per cent of Americans are happy with the way things are in the country.
Is he tone deaf to the American people or just doesn’t really care? What’s next? Michelle saying let them eat cake?

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Who Has Handled This Jared Lee Loughner Situation Well In The News And In Politics?

Not many people I can say have handled this well. From what info I have I have come up with a few decent people who have handled this situation better than others:
*Barack Obama(focused solely on the victims all weekend and didn’t politicize it)
*John Boehner(gave a nice speech Sunday morning also focusing only on the victims and nothing more)
*Elliot Spitzer(I never thought I would congratulate this guy for anything but he reported it fairly on his show last night) who pointed out on his show that the man’s favorite books ranged from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto to Mein Kampf making it more difficult to actually affiliate him with a party
*Stephanie Condon, a journalist for CBS News, who reported the man was a registered independent and also didn’t polarize the situation( http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-2… )
*CNN in general for reporting this as fairly as they could and not just Eliot Spitzer(http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/201…
* Greg Gutfeld & Bill Schultz & Andy Levy for not pointing fingers and also reporting it fairly(and Gutfeld added on to the books Spitzer listed by adding an Ayn Rand book which really makes this confusing) and saying that the man’s attacks were not politically motivated from what info he has
I have seen a lot of disgusting rhetoric from both sides trying to capitalize on this tragedy. Now, I am not saying the people I listed have not done this, in fact I could be wrong in my judgments and I know there are people I am missing(hence why I asked this), but from what info I have I have drawn this conclusion and would like to add on to it.
Look what this guy posted on his myspace by the way:http://www.examiner.com/us-headlines-in-…
Anyways, who has handled this well?

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