Tag Archive | "Balance"

I’ve Linked My Debit Card To My Paypal Acct?

Will I now have access to the balance in my PayPal account on my debit card? Like say, I have a $10 balance in my bank acct affiliated with my debit card but I have $250 balance in my PayPal. With my debit card linked, would I have access to that $250 through my debit card?
***please I’m not in the mood for wiseass idiot remarks!!

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Are There Any Banks That Don’t Charge Petty Fees?

My bank charges me for the stupidest things. For example, if I use an ATM not affiliated with my bank, they charge me two dollars, even if I’m just checking my balance. This is in addition to the $3.50 the ATM usually charges. Last month, my paycheck bounced, and my bank charged /me/, as if that’s my fault.
Are there any banks that don’t charge for things like this?

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