Tag Archive | "Answering"

Biology Help, Answering True/false, And The Reason Why Its True Or False,?

im studying for my upcoming test and these are some sample questions my teacher posted, i need help with most of the questions and help for any of them is appreciated , i need to know the reason why they are either true/false too.
please help
Answer True or False
2a) The fundamental niche will always be larger than the realized niche in herbivores that are frequently attacked by predators.
2b) Rare individuals perform best under negative frequency dependent selection.
2c) Sex role reversals should be most common where sons are cheaper to produce and easier to rear
than daughters.
2d) Honest signals should be most often associated with high costs of production.
2e) Competitive exclusion is an extreme form of niche reduction. ____________________________________
2f) Sexual selection is a special form of natural selection that deals sexual reproduction i.e. selection to produce sexually to increase genetic variance.
2g) The higher the variance in quality among egglaying sites, the more pronounced the fighting characters in male salmon.
2h) In bamboo, plants that reproduce out of synch with the other members of the population will accrue high reproductive fitness.
2i) Ecosystems are defined by the unique biological communities that they harbor.
2j) Trait mediated effects can cause change in realized replacement rates.
2k) Replacement rate values of 1.0 are impossible to achieve when death rates exceed 0.5.
2l) Habitat fragmentation leads to decoupling of population dynamics among sub-populations.
2m) Inbreeding depression is most commonly observed in human females who suffer from morning

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This Is Not About Pregnancy, But No One Else Is Answering My Question?

Here’s the deal:
About 4 years ago, I noticed a mass on the front of my throat. It moved up and down as I swallowed, almost as if it were attached to my Adam’s apple. It was painful to the touch and when I swallowed or yawned. I went to an ENT doctor who did a biopsy. He determined that the mass was not on or affiliated with my thyroid. He sat me in a chair and stuck a needle in my neck to suck out some of the contents of the mass (not very fun at all). His nurse put the contents on a slide, prepared it right away, and looked at it under a microscope in his office. They both determined that the mass was cystic and benign. I was scheduled for surgery to remove it the next day. That night, I went home and prayed hard that I wouldn’t have to go into surgery. The thought terrified me. I had an ultrasound scheduled at about 10 am the next morning. I woke up and felt my throat, and there was no mass anymore. I told my mom, and she called the doctor. He still wanted me to come in for the ultrasound to determine if it was still there. I went in for it, but the ultrasound tech. couldn’t find anything. So, they released me and there was never any surgery.
Now, just a few days ago, the mass is back. It’s the same pain, and it’s in the exact same spot. It moves with my Adam’s apple, and it hurts when I touch it. I’m going to be calling the doc to get this all figured out soon. But, I thought I’d get some opinions. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? Has anyone ever experienced this before?

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