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Abusive Boyfriend. I Really Need Advice.what Should I Do?

So I’m 18 and have been in a relationship with my bf for a year now. He is generally a nice popular guy, everybody loves and respects him, he also has a very bright future. However, after a few months of dating he started telling me who I should and shouldn’t see. He will not let me hang out with any guys who are friends and he doesn’t approve of many of my girl friends either. But then he took this ‘control’ to the next level by hitting and punching me one night, and forcing me to do things I didn’t want to do. It was awful. Although I had gone out against his will, to meet friends I never expected that kind of response. After it he wouldn’t let me leave our flat for a week and a bit, so my bruises would heal. I know i must seem so weak for not leaving him. But I’m scared- he keeps telling me how nobody would believe me if I ever told. Also, the only thing I can give him credit for is that he does genuinely love me and I him- that’s the worst thing, because I know how hard I would find life without him and he has always tried to make me feel welcome in his friendship group. So deep down he is a nice guy. Also, the group of friends we hang with would all hate me too if I left/told. I can’t leave because he is all I have and he knows that. Also, he is a pretty powerful guy in terms of influence, so if i did tell, I’m sure he would ensure that he was never affiliated with the allegations anyway.

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