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Why Did A Human Arrive On Planet Earth And Not Another Planet?

Human beings did NOT “arrive ” on Earth. Human beings EVOLVED to fit into the ecological niches of the Earth at this time AFTER the predominating species became extinct or managed to evolve into species that still survive on Earth. Birds are modern dinosaurs. Yes, there ARE significant gaps in the geological record of the species homo sapiens, but homo sapiens evolved ON EARTH. Human beings were NOT transported form another planet to arrive ON Earth. The proof is that our eyes are most sensitive to visible light right at were the Sun’s output of energy – light is maximum. Human beings EVOLVED ON EARTH.

No Responses to “Why Did A Human Arrive On Planet Earth And Not Another Planet?”

  1. oklatono says:

    okay…umm, about this question:
    1) if you believe in science, we evolved here, we did not arrive here
    2) if you believe in any of the major religions, we were created here, we did not arrive here
    3) if you believe in the new age, we have arrived everywhere else along with Earth
    in any case, your argument is invalid
    The reason humans live on Earth (if that’s what you originally meant) is because conditions are just right for our existance, with minor mutations allowing for change. However, there are probably many other planets with human-like beings, and that’s not even counting alternate dimensions and universes and planes.

  2. Judith Haro says:

    Humans exist on Earth for the same reasons other mammals, fish, reptiles, and birds exist here. We are all products of the “Primordial Soup” made of amino acids which formed on Earth about 3.8 Billion years ago. We evolved into humans for the same reasons everything else evolved into their current forms. Why? Because that is how nature insures that life will endure.

  3. SRB101 says:

    Humans did not arrive on Earth, We evolved on earth. All life forms, plants and animals evolved from the first life forms in the oceans.

  4. Bill says:

    A meteor crashed on earth containing microorganisms they evolved to humans and this is how we are here.

  5. ? says:

    For the same reason you could ask yourself Why would a human arrive on another planet and not planet earth? Why not?

  6. Albert says:

    Humans didn’t arrive here, we were made here through evolution.

  7. Blackbir says:

    Humans arrived on various planets, but that’s not believed or is suppressed.

  8. Aquarius 1011 says:

    Because universal common ancestor probably arrived on meteor as a random event…

  9. Ivan says:

    You have been listening to too much Lion King.


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