Tag Archive | "Human"

Why Did A Human Arrive On Planet Earth And Not Another Planet?

Human beings did NOT “arrive ” on Earth. Human beings EVOLVED to fit into the ecological niches of the Earth at this time AFTER the predominating species became extinct or managed to evolve into species that still survive on Earth. Birds are modern dinosaurs. Yes, there ARE significant gaps in the geological record of the species homo sapiens, but homo sapiens evolved ON EARTH. Human beings were NOT transported form another planet to arrive ON Earth. The proof is that our eyes are most sensitive to visible light right at were the Sun’s output of energy – light is maximum. Human beings EVOLVED ON EARTH.

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Is It Ok To Look Up A Company’s Human Resource Employees And Call Them About My Job Applications?

I’ve been actively searching for full-time work for about 2 years. I work in a very niche field, but have been fortunate to be holding contract work the last two years. I’ve been around the job searching block more than once, but yet again I am looking for more ways to better get my resume to the front of the pile, or even speed up the usually terribly slow hiring process.
My question is.. If I apply for a position online (via online job app or email), is it wrong if I contact the company’s human resources or recruiter employees by phone after creeping up their contact info from the company website, LinkedIn, or other websites where their work phones/emails may be located? Would simply like to call to make a very forward attempt to say “I really want this job” and generally inquire about the position and timeframe for hiring.
I tried calling human resource employees in the past, but had no luck. In fact, I usually was never able to get in touch with them, only getting voicemails, and never getting a callback. When I would bug a front desk to speak with a recruiter, they usually got angry and said they wouldn’t be able to help me….. Is it a good or bad move to call these people after I put in a job application? Would there be a better person to call or email? (Like someone from the specific department I am applying for)

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Be Ann J (c-real)’s Big Brother, Sandeul (b1a4) In The Night World!?

The Night World is a Tumblr-Based Kpop RPG. It’s AU, which means you come up with your character’s history and personality.
The Night World has been kept a secret from the humans since the first human was born. Every so often a solitary human would learn of the darker world, yet there was never any threat. However as the world quickly moves and changes, the Night World’s secret becomes harder to keep silent, and the day of the final battle draws near. Vampires, Witches, Humans and more, which side shall you take?
Plot with Sandeul:
Sandeul is a lost witch which means he’s a witch and is unaware of it. Ann J is a witch, but she knows. Sandeul and Ann J are related, however the two have different fathers, so their last names are different. Sandeul’s stepdad was Ann J’s real dad. Sandeul is only a few years older than Ann J. With Ann J at age 8, their mother fell ill and over a year she never got better. Because the treatment was so expensive, Ann J’s father sold her as a maid in the underground market when she was 9. She never saw her brother, father, or mother since. Now she’s 18 and serves as a maid to a woman in Seoul. A human who knows of the Night World. Will she ever see her brother again?
Ann J’s full history/description here —-> http://annj-nwrpg.tumblr.com/tagged/bio
I thought Ann J and Sandeul looked a lot alike, and after seeing that Sandeul was a lost witch, then I came up with the perfect plot idea for anyone who wanted to take him up. Because Ann J never knew she was a witch until the woman who she was sold to told her.
PLEASE BE ANN J’S BIG BROTHER<3 Join at http://nightworld-krp.tumblr.com

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Advice On Writing A Human Rights Blog.?

I have a passionate interest in human rights and, partly to help me find employment in this area as well as to exercise my interest in this area, I’ve had the idea recently to begin a blog.
But a blog is something I’ve never attempted before.
I was hoping some kind people out there in the Yahoo community could give me some essential tips on blog-writing, especially in relation to blogging on human rights issues. Any tips on how to think of a name, styles of writing the content itself, how to promote the blog, how often to write etc. will be greatly appreciated. One big area of concern is should I concentrate on a specific HR area (i.e. find my niche) or keep the potential content broad?
Michael 🙂

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Is There A Black Market For Human Organs, And If So In What Countries?

Over the years, I have heard of several incredibly strange stories of people having had their organs cut out of their bodies while asleep, most likely sedated with some sort of an anaesthetic like ether or chloroform. It seems to be mostly a staple of fiction, but I was in fact wondering if there is a realistic basis for such stories. Are there any urban legends about this? (I’m sure that there are a couple) If such beliefs do in fact have a sound basis, what countries do these acts of visceral theft occur in? Is there a secret ring of organ pirates out there? In such acts, do the people behind them leave notes or any sort of a ransom for the subject after the act? What would make an individual prey for such people? What are the organs that are usually harvested (kidney’s, lungs, hearts, pancreas), and if so, are individuals killed for these organs and simply disposed of or left to die? Is there anyone with any sort of an experience of such an act, or an attempt at such an act?

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What Is The Typical Habitat Of A Human? Describe The Niche Of Homo Sapiens.?

Have you ever considered you own personal habitat and niche? What might be unique about either your habitat or particularly your niche the differentiates it from your classmates’ habitats and niches?

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