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What Is Up With This Girl? Was This All Some Kind Of Trick?

I am an 18-year old student. I suffer from an autistic spectrum disorder, commonly known as Asperger Syndrome, which makes it difficult to communicate with others. A few months ago, I had met a girl of the same age, who claimed that she also had Asperger Syndrome. She appeared to share many of the same interests as me and we corresponded over Facebook frequently.
As the months passed, it would have seemed that the two of us were best friends. But a turn around transitioned very abruptly. I was suffering from an acute form of anemia and I did not possess the energy to return to school, or to visit another person’s house. She sent me a message, with an angered theme. She asked why I did not come to her house when she had requested me to. I then informed her about my medical condition and that I need not deplete my energy, as per the nurse’s orders. She responded, saying I was ‘making it all up’ and that I am making excuses, when I was barely well enough to stay awake, and I required daily shots.
As little as a week later, a friend of mine posted a status, asking which foods are good for gaining weight but not risky for somebody who has diabetes. I went into detail, I writ about two paragraphs, all of it was relevant and useful to the situation. She writ in capital letters ‘OH GOD. NOT ANOTHER ESSAY.’ (note that this friend of mine was not affiliated with her in any way, but she writ that under my reply to that friend). I politely told her that I was only helping my friend and that it had nothing to do with her.
Five minutes later, I was inboxed. Her message was hate-ridden. She began to tell me that I would never be able to associate with anybody because of my disability (referring to my autism) and that I think I am better than everyone else (I said no such thing and never gave off that vibe to anybody, because that is false) she then bashed me like hell, and somehow got about five of my friends to turn against me. She mentioned that everybody else would get further ahead in life than me. And all of this was because of a detailed message helping a friend with diabetes, informing her about what foods she should and should not eat and why. She then threatened to report me when I told her that I hate her back for back-stabbing me, saying that she shall not be hated for ‘no valid reason’.
I was the only friend she had. I was the one who’d approach her to speak to her as she sat alone on the cafeteria tables. I was the one who was most alike to her. And I’d helped her with her depression at one point, because I suffer from depression, as well. I was also bullied.

No Responses to “What Is Up With This Girl? Was This All Some Kind Of Trick?”

  1. Lois L says:

    Just ignore her because know what? Her issues are whole lot bigger than Asperger or whatever it is you too supposedly suffer. Stay away from her and your friends will eventually see you did nothing wrong but help. She will eventually have to bite her own bullet…so to speak.

  2. Austin says:

    She obviously is not well-rounded enough for a relationship. You should definitely avoid her, at all costs. She is mistreating you, and you do not deserve it at all.

  3. Maizey says:

    Sorry but she sounds severely insecure and is hurting the person who least deserved it.
    Please don’t take it to heart; you deserve so much better.
    For her to ridicule your ‘disability’ shows she is not able to come to terms with her own inadequacies.
    Sorry she sounds very young and insecure so don’t be drawn into it;
    Good luck ♥


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