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Why Do Liberals Attack Fox News?

It’s part of the liberal “hate program”, yes it’s a program. There is a long list of things that the left is supposed to be militant towards and FOX is one of them.
Attacks against FOX by the left are invalid as they don’t even know why they’re doing it, they were told to hate FOX by FOX’s competition. FOX is the only mainstream Right Wing news station.
They don’t even realize that the things they attack FOX for (which may or may not exist) exist in far greater amounts on leftist news sites like MSNBC and CNN.
MSNBC, CNN, and ABC are hog-sh*t heaps of partisan hackery.

No Responses to “Why Do Liberals Attack Fox News?”

  1. jeeper_p says:

    1. you need to understand, Liberals do not actually watch Fox news
    they get all their info on Fox news from ” media matters ” web page
    and never, i mean never, actually check the so called ” media matters ” facts
    they just assume everything posted, must be true
    2. Rachel Maddows, the MSNBC host, speaking at a liberal conference, just trashed Fox news, then after the conference, she was asked by a reporter how much she watches Fox News, she answered ” i have never watched Fox news ”
    she just spent 20 Min’s trashing a station, she just admitted she had NEVER watched
    3. Liberals do NOT watch or read conservative media, they get ALL their information on conservative media, from liberal webpages and sources
    never bothering to check their so called facts
    4. in fact, university researchers have done studies that show liberals do not have a clue, what conservatives policy positions actually are, it showed that liberals get all their info on conservative policy positions from left wing media sources
    IE” republicans hate women, it must be true, MSNBC said so
    5. and now to the myth that liberals just will not let go
    that Fox News was sued and went to court to be able to Lie.
    Liberals don’t seem to understand there are TWO Fox networks
    there is Fox News network and Fox entertainment network ( Simpson’s, american idol )
    It was a Fox entertainment affiliate, ( a local station ) not actually Fox entertainment
    that was sued
    and definitely not Fox News
    but liberals hear Fox and to them, that means Fox News
    again, facts do NOT matter
    liberal media sources told them it was Fox news, so why should they check the facts
    6. a great example of liberals just disregarding facts, was the hooha over Bush supposedly having a 89 IQ
    the parody web page Linky Dinky posted a false story, using a made up professor, at a university in pa, that doesn’t exist, that said this professor did a paper showing Bush had a 89 IQ
    Well a liberal blogger saw it and thought it was real ( how is anyones clue ), and then the liberal media piked up the story from the blogger and ran it as a real news item
    heck even the biggest news paper in Chicago ran the story as a fact
    Now, just look at all the liberals that still to this day, believe it was a real story
    why? because liberal media told them, so it must be real !!!!!!!!!!!

  2. tehabwa says:

    Because Fox doesn’t even TRY to present news; it’s a propaganda machine for the Republican Party. The people on it lie almost constantly.
    No, there’s no “liberal hate program” — just the judgement of SANE, reality-based people, on an organization that rejected reality-based thinking long ago.
    It’s a lie that we disapprove of professional liars because we have been told to disapprove of professional liars.
    It’s a lie that MSNBC and CNN constantly lie. It’s a lie they are heaps of partisan hackery. They are heaps of pro-corporate hackery to a great extent.
    You seem under the delusion that those are the ONLY sources of news.
    Don’t wing-nuts EVER get tired of being WRONG about EVERYTHING?

  3. Joe Heaton says:

    But FOX – is a Foreign Owned, Criminal Enterprise.
    Liberals just care about the sanctity of freedom and democracy.
    Righties HATE our form of Government – heck —- they even hate our GOVERNMENT.
    An emotion that is fanned by FOX.

    Rupert Murdoch is a self avowed ‘Corporate Fascist’.
    In the UK – his company is considered a ‘Criminal Enterprise’.
    CBS – owned by Right Wing Westinghouse Corp
    ABC – owned by Right Wing Disney Corp.
    NBC – owned by Right Wing GE – doesn’t even pay taxes.
    SBC – owned by Julian Sinclair – rabidly right winger who owns MORE AFFILIATES than FOX.
    Clear Channel – owned by Right Winger best friends of GW Bush. Censored Dixie Chicks for simply saying they weren’t ‘proud’ of George W. Bush – but still plays Ted Nugent even after his hate filled rants against our President Obama.
    Gannet – Right Wing corp that owns the most newspapers in the USA.

    Now —- what are you whining about …

  4. Dave87gn says:

    I support Foxnews right to hate Obama, I object to them LYING to their viewers..taking advantage of dumb people and filling their minds with lies…lies that they come on here and repeat.
    there are no death panels
    there are no fema concentration camps
    there was no 200 million dollar a day trip to Asia
    Obama isnt the only one who uses teleprompters
    Obama didnt invent govt “czars”
    Obama hasnt quadrupled the debt
    There is no “friends of Hamas”
    these are bold faced lies

  5. Wessex says:

    News stations should be neither right or left wing….they should be impartial……..that is the problem with FOX news
    You may have guest or interviewees with a bias, which should be made clear to the viewers……but not the interviewers, commentators or news anchors………..that becomes propaganda otherwise!

  6. Talking to strangers says:

    Disagreeing with fux new’s opinion or pointing out their lack of fact checking is not an “attack”. If that’s how it works then why do cons attack every other news channel? Geez, I wish I could have typed that question out to sound whiney and butt hurt like your post did.

  7. Huh? says:

    Why do we hate fox news? Here is a play list of 200 examples of Bias by Fox News. Not just partisan reporting, but propaganda disguised as journalism.…

  8. kathy_is says:

    Joe Heaton, you couldn’t be more wrong if you tried!
    FOX is a threat to liberalism because they expose it for what its… The other news sources gives liberalism a pass, at best, and outright misrepresent the facts at the worst.

  9. Vicky says:

    FOX does not provide news it merely supplies the views of one of it’s elite owners
    So if you agree with him you are on the correct path but I suggest a Saudi Prince is not the best person to give you American and world news.

  10. Suzee says:

    They have watched it. I think it is the silly FOX and Friends and the pundits, Rush, Bill, Sean etc, that people ‘attack’.
    Independent who doesn’t watch any 24/7 cable news entertainment networks.

  11. Stan says:

    Studies of Fox have proven viewers are not as knowledgable of current events as viewers of other news shows.
    That pretty much says it all right there.

  12. Chip says:

    i gotta laugh at this one,, people who view both fox an msnbc as well as c span are really the losers because all cable news outlets such as these are staged sources. shakespear said it best, when he said
    “all the world is a stage”

  13. Punk Rock and Minerals says:

    because it’s nothing but right wing propaganda

  14. Randy says:

    I have no issue with FOX or MSNBC, I actually watch both, but I do wish FOX would stop insulting my intelligence by claiming to be fair and balanced when they clearly are not.

  15. DC says:

    Because they make outright lies.
    You are wrong about MSNBC, they show their sources often.

  16. The Wolf says:

    Mostly because liberals hate the truth, and their liberal handlers has told their sheep to hate Fox news. You see the liberal handlers don’t want their sheep to hear the truth, it would undo all the lying the liberal handlers done to keep their sheep stupid.
    In all reality it is not this muslim Hussein 0bama that is the real danger to this great nation, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an 0bama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Hussein 0bama, who is but a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the idiots should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of idiots that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a muslim like this Hussein 0bama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of idiots such as those who made him their president.

  17. gyt says:

    2 reasons:
    1. Liberals attack that which they fear.
    2. At the liberal seminars and rallies they are taught four things
    a) Obama good
    b) It’s Bush’s fault
    c) Republicans bad
    d) Fox news should be called Faux news
    Other than that they don’t know much about the real world or how it operates. You can only remember so many chants.

  18. R T says:

    Because they are off the liberal plantation.
    The thing I love is when liberals bring up “Fox Lies”. This stems from a court case where the only accusation of a “lie” was that a reporter didn’t get their piece aired. The reporter lost and Fox won. So, using that court case as an example is, in itself, a lie.
    Another thing is when they say Fox is “foreign owned”. Murdock is a naturalized American citizen. Otherwise he could not legally own US broadcast licenses. Another example of liberals attacking legal immigrants.

  19. I Can Not Lie says:

    Fox news has to sell advertisement to stay in business.
    Since most viewers are liberals, watching them so they
    have something to whine about. They need to stick with a strong
    conservative view to keep all the liberal viewers. A few conservatives
    watch Fox. They don’t like dealing with obama worship.

  20. fangtaiy says:

    Liberals do not hate Fox News, they don’t watch it. All news programming is owned and operated by the same multimedia corporation. The programming differences are for competition and to attract different viewers. Fox News is no more nor less conservative than MSNBC.

  21. Ryan says:

    ALL the major networks are a joke, the lamestream media are a bunch of propagandists.

  22. Liberals are H8ers says:

    They watch it more than I do.
    They are constantly searching for more things to hate.

  23. Tired Eyes says:

    Because it’s conservative.
    They seriously know way more about the programs shown than I do.
    It’s a bit nutty.


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