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How To Make Your Boobs Bigger?

I’m a 13 year old girl and I really want bigger boobs. I’m a 34 b but they seem to be too small :/ I would never consider implants or anything but are there any natural ways of enlarging them? Also I dont sleep with a bra on.
Another question that isn’t really relatable to the questions is how do you delete your questions of yahoo answers? Only because my friend asked some really random questions and I want to delete them.
Thankyou 🙂

No Responses to “How To Make Your Boobs Bigger?”

  1. Froggy12 says:

    Hi there,
    Only time and genetics will increase your breast size naturally. The good news is that you are only 13 and already a 34B. I know a lot of girls who would kill to be in your shoes, are should I say bra size? 🙂 You are still growing, so be patient. Both of my daughters (16 & 21) are still growing “up top.” Secondly, 34B is a perfectly respectable bra size. If you’ve done much bra shopping, you will have noticed that 34B’s are always the hardest to find, especially if you are shopping for cute bras. This is because it’s one of the most common bra sizes and sell out the fastest. Nonetheless, if you would like to fill out your shirts a little more, don’t feel ashamed to buy a bra with a LITTLE padding. Look at all the bras in Victoria Secret. You’ll find that even the biggest cup sizes come heavily padded. It’s just a sad fact, that no matter what shape or size we are, most women desire larger breasts. Don’t buy into that crap. Having said that, I will suggest trying a modest push-up bra, that has most of the padding in the lower part of the cups. Don’t be tempted to buy a bra with the entire cups heavily padded. They are uncomfortable and you won’t be fooling anyone. Personally, I think bras at Victoria’s Secret are over-rated and overpriced, but the employees are pretty good at finding you the best bra for your figure. If you have a Victoria’s Secret in your town, go in and ask one of the sale’s reps for a fitting. Tell them you want something that will give you a little, natural looking lift.
    Most girls don’t know that you don’t have to sift through all the racks themselves. A salesperson will measure you and then bring you a box of almost every style they carry. When you find a few you like, don’t be shy about letting them see you in them so they can give their opinion. If you are lucky enough to have a small, locally owned lingerie shop in your town, that would be even better. Even if it is a little “hole in the wall” with little old ladies working there, don’t be shy. They usually know their stuff and are very professional. You are young, so price might be a problem. If you are fitted with the perfect bra and can’t afford it, write down the size, brand, model number and see if you can find it cheaper on the internet. You can also remember the size and style and look for a similar one at K-Mart, Walmart, Kohl’s or Sears for a fraction of the price. It’s taken a few years, but I’ve convinced my teenage daughters to do this because they are still growing. If you feel a little bad asking for help at one store and then buying elsewhere, you can try to shop when the store is quiet and the sales people aren’t terribly busy. If someone was very helpful, it’s polite to tell their manager: “I couldn’t buy anything today, but “Christy” was really nice and helped me a lot.”
    Sorry I couldn’t suggest anything more miraculous. There is NOTHING on the market except implants to increase breast size, so don’t be tempted by pills and creams claiming to do so. Some of your older friends/sisters will tell you the pill will increase your size, but this is not always the case, and if so, the effect is only temporary. I know several woman whose breast size increased significantly, but it was temporary. When they went off the pill, their breasts returned to their “original” size, but they were saggy with stretch marks to boot! Be happy with what you have, be patient, but if a good bra makes you feel a little better about yourself, then go ahead and do what I suggest above. Take care.

  2. James says:

    pregnency or plastic surgery


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