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I Want Something To Get “addicted” To, Such As A Book Franchise, Help!?

Despite Potter ending technically in 2007 (or 2011, with Movies) I’ve only just about come to terms with it and have finally signed off for the last time from MuggleNet.
Before we begin, I’d like you to know I’ve collected 37 cast autographs and spent well over £1000 on Potter related items, so yes it really is an addiction…
However, now i search for a new fulfiller whether it a games series, books, films…anything really. I am a big movie fan, i own around 1000 DVDs and have a Cineworld Unlimited card but i want something more, something more specialist i guess…
Please, any suggestions would be amazing, just make sure they’ve got a lot of merchandise as I love buying things affiliated with franchises!
Thanks, Harry (:

No Responses to “I Want Something To Get “addicted” To, Such As A Book Franchise, Help!?”

  1. swdarkli says:

    If you’re looking for merchandising franchises for current fiction, Twilight would probably be your best bet, even though they really aren’t that good (movies or books), despite what the Twihards think.
    I would suggest Star Wars and Star Trek, Dr. Who or just about any superhero/comic book movie, though if you are looking for tons of reading material and merchandise. Dr. Who and the Star Trek franchises go back to the mid 60’s and Star Wars to the mid 70’s. Both include several hundred books, more toys and merchandise than you could probably every amass and are well featured in most comicons and scifi cons. The same goes for a lot of the comic book franchises, things like X-Men and Avengers are particularly hot right now. And all of these franchises have movies coming out this year, or planned for the future, so the fan base will only grow.
    And while I thoroughly enjoy the Discworld books and would recommend them to just about anyone, I don’t believe there is a lot of merchandise beyond some dvds and related books, at least not like what is available for the others.

  2. -your face- says:

    i was a complete potterhead a while ago too!
    now, i find that i actually prefer discworld books. they, like harry potter are fantasy, and very, very funny. there are tons of books in the series and i wouldn’t suggest starting with the first few books anyway as im don’t like the first few as much. they are excellent.
    look through all the books to decide which ones, with this website.…
    im now hooked on these books (:


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