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Is It Ironic That The “free Market” Is Making People Less Free As The Rich Take More And More?

or as the Republicans like to call it “they earned it”, they earned the right to reduce your wages and benefits while they take more and more and more and more until there is nothing more to take.

No Responses to “Is It Ironic That The “free Market” Is Making People Less Free As The Rich Take More And More?”

  1. Beaver.T says:

    How can the job creators be expected to trickle down good american jobs when gay anchor babies are hittin’ on their kids and the tyrannical government is about to use President Blackensteins secret drone army to steal the guns from under their beds…….sure lower taxes are OK for a while and so are TARP funds and the stimulus too, but …really …until women start doing what they are told with their own bodies….how can you expect a total recovery in 2-3 years????

  2. togashiy says:

    First off, you’re under the completely wrong mindset that freedom has to do with the end result of someone’s actions, and not with the opportunity to take those actions. Freedom is the absence of government intervention. It cannot be acquired by government action.
    Second, the job and the wages belong to the employer, not the employee. The employer is the one that takes the risk of going into business. They own the store. They own the products they sell. They pay the taxes. The wages are not yours. The wages are theirs until they make them yours through your paycheck. Benefits are something that is reviewed at the beginning of every year, and the company is under no obligation to pay any portion of your benefits. If they do, they’ll find the least expensive way to keep your benefits roughly the same, and it’s their right to do so.
    My point is, quit your bitching, and grow up.

  3. Got Wild Staring Eyes says:

    There are very few “free markets” left in this society with state sponsored corporatism eliminating competition for the huge international conglomerates. He with the gold makes the rules and the rule is you have to be a wage slave to serve their every whim.
    All of us that own small businesses find small markets in our local area, you can’t compete on a national scale without many billions to invest. Capitalism is gone and has been for some time.

  4. M. J. says:

    Perhaps this is because you are not a venturer IN the Free Markets!
    Are you a business owner? What have YOU done to enter the markets to make your fiscal future better?
    If you have done nothing, nor own your own business, then you have no right to ***** about it. You CANNOT just sit and wonder why the “Jone’s have this and I do not,” when you have done nothing.

  5. Shovel Ready says:

    Why don’t you invent something or start a company? What makes you think you deserve ANYTHING, just for whining constantly? You add no value.

  6. Profe$$ional Raci$t says:

    That makes no sense and its just BS you made up


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