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What Is A Given Example Between A Niche And A Habitat?

Umm,I don’t know how to put it…..a niche is like …………….a habitat is a place of living…..but a niche…is something that helps that being prosper…,I’m a guy,I live in the hood,I went to high school,tried some sports,and found that my niche is running (I.e.cross country and track),I’m good at it

No Responses to “What Is A Given Example Between A Niche And A Habitat?”

  1. Jonnell says:

    in marketing, a niche product is a product made specifically for only a small portion of the whole market, suited specifically for a certain person or demand (e.g. a Ferrari is a niche product).
    same applies for nature: a niche is the adaptive role of the organism in the system!
    i.e. how it makes its living in the general ecosystem.
    example? bats live by night. they’ve exploited the niche of night-hunting and made a living out of it. organisms evolve to exploit niches and therefore become progressively more adapted to the lifestyle. bats have evolved echolocation and an amazing sense of hearing, regardless of their echolocation, because light (as with our vision) is not much use during the night.
    another example? bacteria in your intestines. they have exploited the niche of the human digestive tract and have developed a sort of symbiotic/parasitic relationship with their host. we are their habitat, but they are not ours. it is a very simple distinction!

  2. Anonymously Anonymous says:

    I will explain you very simply. Niche is profession of ones and habitat is residence.


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