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Why Can’t People Pay For Their Own Birth Control?

It would sure save a lot of jobs.
Federal Judge Halts Obama Birth-Control Mandate for Domino’s Pizza Founder
Filed under Business, Health Care, Sanctity of Life Posted on December 31, 2012
A federal judge has ordered a temporary halt on the Obama administration’s birth-control coverage policy for Tom Monaghan, the Catholic billionaire who founded Domino’s Pizza.
Federal District Court Judge Lawrence P. Zatkoff issued the decision Sunday, less than two days before the policy would have taken effect and exposed Monaghan to fines for non-compliance.
“Plaintiff has shown that abiding by the mandate will substantially burden his exercise of religion,” Zatkoff wrote.
“The government has failed to satisfy its burden of showing that its actions were narrowly tailored to serve a compelling interest. … This factor weighs in favor of granting Plaintiffs’ motion.”
Monaghan recently filed suit against the policy, which requires most employers to cover a range of birth-control methods in their health plans. Churches and houses of worship are exempt, and employees of religiously affiliated institutions such as Catholic schools will be able to obtain birth control directly from their insurance company, also without a co-pay.

No Responses to “Why Can’t People Pay For Their Own Birth Control?”

  1. Ford Prefect says:

    a woman gets birth control from a doctor. If she could get it at the hardware store I would agree

  2. GOD says:

    cause if you don’t pay for women’s free handouts…then you are a sexist who is “waging a war on women”.

  3. andy g says:

    because 0bama has made a generation of “gimmecrats”!!!

  4. Self Defence Devise. says:

    Sandra, the slut, Fluke deserves it. She should try to eat it.

  5. Abraham's Daughter says:

    As long as you pay for your Viagra.

  6. Mutt says:

    If you can’t afford a box of condoms, you just shouldn’t be having sex. What’s so hard to understand with that? And isn’t abstinence the ONLY 100% effective method of birth control? And guess what? IT’S FREE!!!!
    @lockesmith – But it’s OK to cram your political beliefs down people’s throats? Why should I have to pay for other people’s birth control because they want to f@ck like bunnies? if someone wants to have birth control covered, they can go get a policy that does cover it. Many policies do. Mine has for a long time before Obama said all insurance must. But since insurance is a BENEFIT from your employer and not a right, the employer should be able to choose what coverage they will provide, if any. And when you go to a job interview, that’s part of what should be discussed if it’s important to you. A job interview is not an interrogation. It’s an interview, meaning you are there to learn about the company, just as they are trying to learn about you. And if they offer you the job, but their insurance doesn’t cover birth control, you have the option to say “No thanks.”

  7. Really? says:

    Why do insurance companies have to pay for Viagra?
    Why is an Insurance company profit all that matters?
    Why has healthcare costs gone so high and what is the final effect of laws starting with Reagan?
    Why is Big pharma and profit a Tea Patty concern?
    Why is fascism all a Tea Patty cares about?
    Why are avatars so anti American?

  8. Jordan says:

    I’m pretty liberal, and I agree that birth control should be purchased by the individual and not provided by insurance, in most cases. There are, however, times when certain types of birth control are used as medicine (they actually were originally used as such, until it was discovered they could be used as birth control). Then I think it should be covered.

  9. lockesmi says:

    This is a country of religious freedom. I think everyone should be free to believe as they see fit, but they DO NOT have the right to force their religious beliefs on another. By refusing to cover birth control in employees healthcare plans, that is effectively forcing your religion on another.


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