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How Can People Believe In God?

I don’t get it. We are just organic life forms that evolved through selective environmental pressures to fill specific niches within an ecosystem. Nothing more. Maybe having a science degree opens my eyes.

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  1. Cody says:

    I Believe in god, i believe in science, the two are not mutually exclusive, but to believe in evolution you have to believe in spontaneous generation.

  2. Handsome Canadian Fella says:

    Jesus loves you

  3. Jens says:

    Religion section is thataway —>

  4. Limbo says:

    I believe in god and could care less what you say, you dont understand

  5. Tiffany says:

    ? … So what your trying to say? I don’t get it

  6. FLACO says:

    I also got an education and became atheist happens to most people..but some still believe blindly as they are told..those are the same type of people that will believe i an just there gfs friend..there is no refining with such people and in this land of liberty they have the right to believewhat they want

  7. K.I.S.S says:

    to me everything is a big fat QUESTION MARK

  8. Suspend Me says:

    I have a science degree, also a Christian.

  9. Rogo1119 says:

    But WHY are we “just organic life forms that evolved through selective environmental pressures to fill specific niches within an ecosystem?”
    Religion is a philosophy, not a competitor of science.
    If you think about it, man studies natural science, then breaks through to physics, a whole new level, then to quantum physics theory, a whole new level… in another century we will find another deeper level that’s even more exotic and bizarre. The picture of our universe will always get bigger and bigger, maybe at one point having a universal understanding.
    And then once having a universal understanding, you will still realize there is more to understand, even about the situation of having universal understanding. It goes on forever.. it’s actually not in the realm of impossibility that a singular being could (or could not) be at the center of all of it.
    Science doesn’t disprove God at all, it’s not meant to.

  10. Kay says:

    Personal experiences play a major role in one’s belief in God.


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