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How Can There Be People Who Want To Vote For Romney?

I don’t understand ! I am a person who has been watching both political parties and I’m really not affiliated with either.I can’t believe this, there is recorded video’s and tapes ! He absolutely is the most contradicted person there is! How can you trust a man to lead the country who say’s he’s against something one week then the next he’s for it! I don’t believe the poles are so close! It’s not just that there is so much more that I don’t even wish to type it! How can so many women want to be told what to do with their bodies! I could go on and on! Also I know Obama is not perfect either,but I have really have been watching both sides of this for a year and I believe he is the lesser of 2 evil’s! The majority of Romney’s advisor’s and staff are former Bush do you really want another Bush administration?

No Responses to “How Can There Be People Who Want To Vote For Romney?”

  1. UVa guy says:

    Not to mention he’s the candidate pushed by Karl Rove, the most corrupt person ever to slither through American politics. I agree with you 1000%.

  2. team says:

    Let’s see
    obama screams bloody murder for terrorists to get civilian trials, and now kills them out of the blue with drones
    obama screams bloody murder for Gitmo to close. Is it closed?
    obama is against gay marriage. Now he is all for it.

  3. 말라기 says:

    For me, he’s the lesser of two evils. I’d rather have Romney than a president who works harder for big bird’s rights than mine.

  4. Rick31 says:

    I like Romney, but the thing I like about him the most is that he is NOT Obama. I could never vote for Obama and Romney is the only candidate I feel that can beat Obama. All the other reasons a immaterial because he has my vote for the top reason I gave you. I am voting against Obama.

  5. Dr Redthumb says:

    they could run a fish that’s been dead in a dumpster for 3 months and a lot of people would still vote for it simply because they will vote republican without even thinking about it.

  6. Me says:

    Don’t get me started. I could go all day talking about all the problems Obama’s put us through. I don’t like Romney either, but he’s the lesser of two evils. That’s basically what it boils down to.

  7. kate says:

    Low literacy rates , dependent on FOX soundbites .
    Limited ability to actually Do the Homework about the issues .

  8. Antonia Smart says:

    Surely someone must be worried that a potential President believes that a Jewish family sailed to the America’s c600BC.
    The simple Geography of it makes no sense, if they were fleeing whatever in Israel, why not stop when you got to Cyprus, Crete, Italy, Sicily, Malta, Spain, not to mention the whole of North Africa even if you were unlucky enough to miss all of them, nobody could miss Gibraltar.
    It all just seems a made up story by a racist kid who wants to justify a superior view of his backwoods community and so he invented an American Jesus.……

  9. Dee says:

    Stupidity ….. Voting for a party rather than a canidate.

  10. Barry says:

    You can vote for Romney because he likes America, no so with Obama. While religion should not play a part, Obama is a part of religion that hates America and wants it to fail. I wonder when he is going to take his prayer rug out of the closet??

  11. Lew says:

    There’s a contingent of angry twits that will vote for a sociopath rather than an accomplished black man. Romney is a self serving political chameleon who has enjoyed a lifetime of sycophantic adulation by the wrong element of his faith.

  12. Lizie says:

    Obama has screwed up our country, lost jobs, and more debt. Its time for a new person. One who knows what he’s talking about. Obama was not the first black president. He is mixed .

  13. Dan L Boun says:

    In most cases, most Americans, simply don’t see the big picture… Lawyer, & politicians, can twist, & manipulate, the obvious… To a point, it no longer looks obvious… There was a time, when it was necessary, for there to be some truth, in what was said by politicians… Those days are gone…. The only thing the masses have now, is memory, & videos, of the politicians… Actually saying, just the opposite…
    I’m white, pushing 64 years of age… I’ve seen a lot of Presidents come & go, all the way back to, & including Eisenhower… That was back when the Republican party, was worth something… Actually, at that time, the majority of blacks, voted Republican, the party of Lincoln, as did I… After LBJ, signed into law, Civil Rights… A lot of blacks started switching to the Democrat party… By 1988, after Reagan, most blacks, were voting Democrat, & again, as was I… The old southern Democrats, & Dixiecrats, switched to the Republican party… I never did care much, for the old slave owner attitude, regardless of what party, they belong… Like t or not, its still all about slavery… Its merely that it’s call a different name… Its now called, right to work states, at or below, minimum wage… Seeing the bigger picture, I’ll be supporting the black guy….

  14. owg says:

    Romney has shown that he says what people want to hear, but never finishes about how he will do it. If he is elected he will not fix the economy, he will continue Bushes ideas and make it worse. The Bush tax cuts really created jobs? Fighting two wars didn’t hurt the economy. With Romney, who knows how many wars we would start. And forget Health care! Really, you think he will change anything for the good of the country?

  15. Adam Swimsuit Edition, backup 2 says:

    lesser of two evil

  16. Peace through blinding force says:

    1) You cannot cite even one Romney “flip” without resorting to Democrats’ presentations of him addressing two DIFFERENT things.
    2) Your “women” remark PROVES you are a perfectly ordinary, completely unremarkable Democrat. It’s apparently about abortion. So, are you suggesting opposition to abortion is about preventing a woman having HER OWN limbs ripped-off; HER OWN brain sucked-out etc? Or are you CERTAIN your “argument” is full of ****?
    3) Freedom? ALL elected Democrats OPENLY OPPOSE it and PROUDLY say so. You are unable to cite even one way your day has ever been balked by Republican policy. In dramatic contrast, not one of us has EVER gone more than a few hours between encounters with Democrat-demanded CONTROLS.

  17. Tax Hollywood 60% says:

    Unlike you, my IQ is 155, I can see who is better and make the right choice.

  18. Patrick says:

    I respect hard work above fake intellect.
    Romney has more work ethic in his little finger than obma has in his whole body.

  19. Tringle says:

    Obama covered up a drug cartel gun running scandal with executive privilege, ended due process rights with the NDAA, and expanded anti privacy laws with the patriot act, more wars, more loans and bailouts to banks and corporations and you say Obama is the lesser of two evils?
    I don’t think you have been paying attention to anything.

  20. bourke says:

    How can you vote for odumbo?
    Acts of preferentialism for Islam:
    May 2009 – While Obama does not host any National Day of Prayer event at the White House, he does host White House Iftar dinners in honor of Ramadan.
    April 2010 – Christian leader Franklin Graham is disinvited from the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer Event because of complaints from the Muslim community.
    April 2010 – The Obama administration requires rewriting of government documents and a change in administration vocabulary to remove terms that are deemed offensive to Muslims, including jihad, jihadists, terrorists, radical Islamic, etc.
    August 2010 – Obama speaks with great praise of Islam and condescendingly of Christianity.
    August 2010 – Obama went to great lengths to speak out on multiple occasions on behalf of building an Islamic mosque at Ground Zero, while at the same time he was silent about a Christian church being denied permission to rebuild at that location.
    2010 – While every White House traditionally issues hundreds of official proclamations and statements on numerous occasions, this White House avoids traditional Biblical holidays and events but regularly recognizes major Muslim holidays, as evidenced by its 2010 statements on Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj, and Eid-ul-Adha.
    October 2011 – Obama’s Muslim advisers block Middle Eastern Christians’ access to the White House.
    February 2012 – The Obama administration makes effulgent apologies for Korans being burned by the U. S. military, 51 but when Bibles were burned by the military, numerous reasons were offered why it was the right thing to do.
    1. Obama Lying About His Social Security Number
    2. Obama Lying About His Nation Of Birth
    3. Obama’s Endless Tyrannical Executive Orders
    4. The Obama Soros’ Occupy Wall street Mob
    5. Uganda
    6. Obama Giving Solyndra 535 Million Of Our Money
    7. Raising The Deficit To 15.6 Trillion
    8. America’s First Credit Downgrade
    9. Obama’s Fast And Furious Criminal Operation
    10. Repeal Of DOMA
    11. Repeal Of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
    12. Obama Buying His Union Votes With Our Tax Money
    13. Obama Empowering The Muslim Brotherhood And Al Qaeda
    14. Obama Swearing That He Would Side With Muslims Against Us Patriots
    15. Obama’s Hate Speech Provocations
    16. Obama putting Muslim’s Rights Over All Other American’s Rights
    17. Obama Ignoring North Korean Aggression
    18. Obama’s Democrats Voting Against Auditing The Corrupt Federal Reserve Bank
    19. Obama Giving Brazilian & Soro’ Owned Oil Company Two Billion To Drill Off Shore With The Oil Slated To Go To China
    20. Lopsided Nuke Deals
    21. Obama’s Expensive & Unnecessary Trip To India
    22. Obama’s Illegal Aunt Living Off Our Taxes
    23. Obama Taking 500 Billion From Medicare And From Our Senior Citizens To Fund His Illegals On welfare
    24. Obama Having The Cross and the letters IHS covered up that symbolizes the name of Jesus Christ at Georgetown University obama delivering a dismal 45-minute speech. 25. Mosque At 9-11 Ground Zero………

  21. JohnnyK says:

    Those of us that are voting for Romney look upon you as someone who is utterly helpless and incapable for taking care of yourself.
    We want a person in the White House who will stand up for our country instead of bowing down to every third rate dictator that comes down the pike.

  22. Sue Whee says:

    It seems to me that nobody votes for a candidate anymore. They vote against the guy they dislike more.
    I live in a state where it’s pretty much all wrapped up for one candidate and I’m thinking of going fringe party or just voting in the senate and representative races and skipping the presidential vote altogether.


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