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How To Find A Style Or Niche?

I’m curious about how people go about finding a niche or a style for their photography. I’ve heard people say that they just photograph things they’re passionate about and over time a style develops. Is that how it works for you?
For myself, I don’t think I have a style or a niche. I’m not particularly worried about developing one or the other, I’m just a hobbyist. I shoot what I want and how I want to, sure, but there isn’t really any consistency with it. I’ve never had a moment where I said to myself (for example) “I want to be an automotive photographer!” While I might photograph a variety of things (generally objects, I find working with people tedious at best) I guess I’m just not passionate enough about any one genre of ‘thing’ to make that my niche.

No Responses to “How To Find A Style Or Niche?”

  1. Magic says:

    yes 100%

  2. JimO says:

    Sounds like you are developing a style by photographing objects. Worked for Andy Warhol.
    Best wishes.

  3. exalted wombat says:

    There you are, then. What do you want us to say?

  4. Forlorn Hope says:

    you learn by taking pics in the different styles…
    personally, i prefer macro and photographing birds of prey… 😉


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