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Low Stress It Position?

Ok I have 20 years experience and no degree. My background is in network administration and all the desktop support that goes along with it and application support etc. My last job burned me out so bad I dont ever want to be the emergency room of the IT dept again. I now have a nice high paying software support job but it aint gonna last forever. Has anyone found a low stress niche in IT? Does it mean a big company? I might be able to go for a degree or some certs. I am just not willing to go back to being the guy who has to save the world if it goes down and you stay at work until its fixed (sometimes for days) and get called in the middle of the night. I want a max of a 45-50 hr work week with no emergency aspect to it.
My dream job would be to teach theology or something meaningful but teaching IT doesnt sound too bad. As long as its teaching and not doing demos to help sell widgets.
I wouldnt mind working for the gov or non profit as a pension would be nice too. I am 40. Do I have to totally change careers?
The other bad thing. I cant take much of a pay cut. I am just under 70k now. In a lower cost area I could probably go down to 50k but my debt is unbearably high.
I think I will end up leaving my work in a pine box if I have to have job that is anything like the last three I have had before this one.

No Responses to “Low Stress It Position?”

  1. brayden says:

    The IT Field in most companies carries a fair amount of stress because if you’re in hardware or software support, we generally are the go-to guy for bringing a system back up that’s not working properly. And a system that’s down has a user, that user’s supervisor, a department, and possibly the company itself, pressuring you to get it back up and running. It’s no way to escape stress like that in this field.
    Also, the stress level will vary from company to company….there is no way to say who is worse.
    I think you’d have to completely get out of IT if you wanted to escape stress of this nature.
    Teaching IT classes would be a fairly low paced, low stress field. However, unless you have a Masters or PHd and teach at a college level, your salary isn’t going to be that high.


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