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Your Opinion Of This Comment…?

The following is in reference to the killed al-Qaeda affiliate that allegedly murdered 7 people in France. It is taken from a Yahoo UK news article, link at the bottom…
“Meanwhile, far right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, who is number three in the polls, says her anti-Islam agenda has been vindicated because the chief suspect in the country’s worst killing spree in years is a French Muslim who claims ties to al-Qaeda.
France, she says, must “wipe out” the Islamist threat, arguing it is corrupting the French culture and has not been taken seriously enough by the authorities.”…
My own opinion is absolutely, the islamist threat is a vile ideology that threatens humanity to its core. Her observation about corrupting culture and not taken seriously enough I think can be applied to many other countries.
What is your view ?…

No Responses to “Your Opinion Of This Comment…?”

  1. use your brain says:


  2. PrinceVu says:

    I think the right thing to do is let the bodies go cold before you start to electioneer about it.

  3. John says:

    Only Westerners can wipe out Islamic extremists. A Muslim will never turn against a Muslim which shows how contemptible their religion truly is. Cults are built on that same principle.

  4. The Lord of Misrule says:

    His actions were in response to Israel’s murder of Palestinian children, perhaps we should trace the problem back to it’s source.
    Yeah, lets just blame one side for all the problems. I guess you’re used to that sort of sectarian finger pointing.

  5. Blodwenb says:

    The man was not a cold, calculating terrorist but a mentally-ill dupe, suckered in by some cold, calculating terrorists.
    Marine Le Pen, if born 90 years ago, would have been strutting around in an SS uniform and kicking her Jewish compatriots into cattle trucks bound for Auschwitz
    That’s my view

  6. LondonCa says:

    Glad you used the term “Islamist’. That is as much a political ideology as a religious one.
    Of course the Islamist ideology is a threat but what the far-right achieve is to stir up hatred that causes misery upon misery and puts innocent people in danger.
    I don’t understand why people cannot see that the danger is not the religion but it’s extremist adherents. When the Norwegian gunman was found to be a far-right Christian, Christians everywhere shouted out telling the world that his version of Christianity was not to be used as a stick to beat Christianity with.

  7. Leonard says:

    You are generalizing, which automatically means you are a fool.

  8. Ankul says:

    A very wrong approach and statement.
    Not all muslims are fanatics and affiliated to torturous, murderous cult of the Saudi petrodollars and their regimes. In Bahrain, the Sunnis are in minority and yet are suppressing the majority Shias because America, Britain and France are arming and supplying the know how on how to subjugate the masses who demand freedom and human rights.
    Islam is in existence for the past 1,400 years and all sects and other religious groups have been living in harmony and without prejudice. It is a recent phenomenon, with the rise of Wahhabism, Salafism, with Saudi petrodollars, that trouble in the world has started. These murderous and undemocratic rulers have forced their way into all parts of the world, especially in Islamic world and forced their way with bribes, enticement and sometimes threats of military might with the assistance of western powers to establish their brand of Islam, which, by the way is totally un-Islamic. They have their own interpretation of the religion and are brainwashing followers of Islam to do this that and the other in the name of Islam. That is why you see a rise in mosque building in major Eastern block countries and now in Africa to create more trouble for the citizens of those countries.
    Albeit, there are muslims who want to get rid of these cults and organisations but are powerless since they do not have either the financial resources or the arms to face these SOBs.
    Poverty and corruption in these countries has given rise to injection of Saudi petrodollars to feed and indoctrinate followers as an excuse to establish their own brand of Islam. Look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Libya, etc and see the havoc they are causing. What for????
    Believe you me, for as long as western powers are keeping these despots and unelected rulers in power for their natural resources, creating military bases in those lands, sell their military hardware, there is always going to be this problem. It is mainly Shias V Sunnis and that is a fact of life. !
    Recent rhetorics in the Americal presidential election and what Obama administration, Britain, Israel and France has done to undermine human rights and to supply these murderous groups with arms to create more divisions, death and destruction, proves something that the ordinary people are told that it is for their own security, where there are no threats but an excuse to create more deaths and destruction in other countries and let their own citizens die for the greed of multinationals, oil, gas and mineral resources companies.
    Such groups exist in all religions. Christians have their racists and fundamentalist, Neo cons, Evangelicals, Jews have their radical Zionists who want to occupy other peoples land, Fascists, Nazis etc are all non Islamic groups and yet no one takes any heed but support them.
    No one flinches when Israel has the fourth largest arsenal of nuclear weapons and terrorise the Palestinians and yet the emphasis is on the unity of Israel and America as each others bed fellows.
    The word “Islamist” has to be used very carefully lest you upset genuine, peaceful, peace loving Muslims and put them all in one basket. No one talks of Chriatian Fascists ro Jewish Zionists?WHY???
    Take your pick. !!!


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