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Is There A Huge Jump In Those Blaming Bad Economy On Obama?

How many times in the past three years have you heard Obama blame the economic disaster on his predecessor George W. Bush (while continuing to increase deficit spending more per year than Bush did)? Well, Americans are beginning to see through the smoke and mirrors, according to these Rasmussen Reports numbers:
More voters are putting the blame on President Obama’s policies when it comes to today’s still-struggling economy.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 48% still place more blame on the economic recession that began under President George W. Bush, but that ties the lowest finding in nearly three years of tracking. Now, nearly as many (46%) say the current president’s policies are more to blame, the highest finding since August 2010.
“Future surveys will show whether this month’s results indicate a shift in blame or are just statistical noise,” Rasmussen says in its report.
Rasmussen Reports says this was markedly different from the Obama-presidency high of 58% that blamed Bush last month.
Even more interesting? While a plurality of non-affiliated voters still blamed Bush, unions were divided almost 50-50 on who to blame more, with the favorable edge actually going to Bush

No Responses to “Is There A Huge Jump In Those Blaming Bad Economy On Obama?”

  1. Bill No says:

    No blame, just facts.
    More people are coming to the logical conclusion evey day.
    Obama is intentionally tearing our society apart.
    He is socializing medicine, the auto companies, and destroying the energy sector that fuels our way of life.
    It is NOT an accident, or inexperience, or Leftist ignorance in how the real world works.
    It his unexpressed agenda to turn our wonderful country into a Third World Socialist mess!
    Its all just that simple.

  2. bobemac says:

    YES, as well there should be….Obama has had over 3 years and NOTHING has happened, except for “blaming” Bush for all his shortcomings..

  3. Great One says:

    Given enough time people will believe anything. If you ask someone who destroyed the current economy chances are they will say Obama. Time truly heals all wounds. There are people that actually believe Obama inherited a healthy economy??!!! Is this country getting stupid or what?
    Consider this: Bush inherited an expanding economy with a budget surplus…..8 years later he doubled the debt??? I don’t even know how that is possible? Obama inherited an economy that was falling off the face of the earth and his biggest deficit year was bush’s (2009). Imagine if Obama had the same economy to work with that bush inherited……oh well we can’t go back in time!!!
    If you honestly don’t blame bush you have the memory of a 2 year old!!! Its not about blame, its about truth…something the GOP has NO time for!!

  4. mommanuk says:

    Any time you say Rassmussen, I’ll say RealClearPolitics, which gives the average of all the major polls in the country.…
    The entire change in poll results in the last couple of weeks is the fact that gasoline prices have risen and many Americans think he should be able to fix it, despite the fact that Bush couldn’t fix it when he was President either. Fox news reminded us of that every day under Bush. Not as objective now, are they?


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