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Why Is 0bama Defunding Low Income Health Programs In Texas (where They Won’t Support Abortions)?

SO, TEXAS ISN’T PRO ABORTION SO OBAMA IS GOING TO TAKE HIS BALL AND GO HOME…sad. It’s a HEALTH program BO, not an abortion program (as YOU would like it to be).
Obama administration to end funding for Texas health program over state’s abortion law…
The federal government will stop funding a Texas health program that serves 130,000 low-income women because of a state law that bars abortion-affiliated clinics from getting public money, a top U.S. health official said Friday.
The federal money, which covers 90 percent of the state’s $40 million program, will be phased out between May and September because the law violates federal regulations requiring that women have a choice in medical care, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said during a trip to Houston. That means the Women’s Health Program will join a long list of programs nationwide on the chopping block because of their affiliations with Planned Parenthood or other groups that offer abortions.

No Responses to “Why Is 0bama Defunding Low Income Health Programs In Texas (where They Won’t Support Abortions)?”

  1. Joe Heaton says:

    Because what Texas is trying to do is ILLEGAL.
    Of course – Righties and ‘christian’ Conservatives don’t care about the Constitution anyway … so ….
    Oh … and THANKS for using FOX as your source.
    Remember, FOX remains the ONLY ‘news source’ … that went to court … to DEFEND it’s right to FALSIFY and DISTORT the information it disseminates!!!
    Get it?
    Politi-Fact has Rated FOX as the most EGREGIOUS FABRICATOR of information in America.
    But … I guess when your IDEOLOGY is so MORALLY VACANT … as ‘christian’ Conservatives’ .. you NEED a LYING SOURCE to defend it.
    FACT: Among the 100 Counties in the United States with the highest dependence on government handouts – – – two thirds voted for McCain and Quitter Palin.

  2. Sam says:

    You must have asked 10,000 questions here in which you berate Obama for supporting government run health programs because of the cost. Now he defunds one, and you object. Are you sure your real issue isn’t simply that you plain hate Obama no matter what he does?

  3. Climate Change Denier says:

    How about Texas start funding the program and don’t leave it all up to us to pick up their bill.

  4. ingsoc1 says:

    Actually texas republicans passed a bill defunding them, good job trying to spin it the other way…

  5. Callie says:

    You hate him because he wont mind you dumb Republicans.

  6. bigboob says:

    the mob boss put his hit men in texas

  7. alana says:

    It is because Obama is a part of this party of death. He denies the rights of birth and life to unborn babies. He thinks it is ok to play God. I assure you all it is not ok to play God and decide for the Lord who will live and who will die. Those who take part in this will be judged for it one day. It is sin and it is immorality at its worst.

  8. TK says:

    I have no doubt erstwhile secessionist Texas Governor Ricky Bobby, the brave Republican who was against accepting federal stimulus money until he was all for it, will call upon the Texas legislature to raise $40,000,000 in new tax revenues to pay for the loss of federal funds which they knew would occur when Governor Ricky Bobby signed that provision into law.
    The Governor’s spokeswoman recently said that the decision to end a life should be taken serioysly in defense of the provision of a new Texas state law requiring any woman seeking an abortion to obtain a sonogram of her fetus, listen to a physician describe the image of the fetus in her womb and then wait a minimum of 24 hours before proceeding with the termination of her unwanted or medically dangerous pregnancy.
    I am confident that Governor Ricky Bobby does value the low-income women in Texas who rely on this health program for virtually ALL of their health needs, and that he will do the right thing and raise $40,000,000 in state taxes to properly fund this program. Because saving lives through preventive health care programs is every bit as important as saving unborn lives by putting ALL Texas women through every undignified hoop that can be imagined by an incoherent socially conservative financially privileged white male Texan.

  9. Paul Grass™ says:

    Because 0bammy is a pro abortion even partial birth abortion supporter who went so far as to sponsor legislation when he was a state rep to murder those who survived an abortion.

  10. Ratz says:

    Texas defunded women’s health care deliberately so the Feds would have to legally stop, because they want poor women to suffer and die. If the Feds don’t react to the law breaking, it sets a precedent that jeopardizes women’s health care funding across the entire country. That’s the real goal in your continuing War on Women. But you knew this. You people are seriously disgusting.

  11. Aunt Acid says:

    Liberals are NOT ABOUT HEALTH.
    They are about killing babies and deviant lifestyles.
    Obama could easily leave the money there for HEALTH.


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