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Christians Why Do You Give God Credit For Things Other People Give You?

I am not atheist nor am i theist i am not affiliated with any religion whatsoever but it pisses me off when some christian comes and gives credit to god for any favor done for them by another person recently my
brother recovered from a car accident and all these people are saying “thank god he is well” god didn’t save him professionals in the health care industry working day and night without rest did and i know some are you are gonna answer with “god sent those people to him to save him” but wouldn’t that go against your ideal of free will isn’t god sending us to do his bidding without asking basically him controlling us like puppets?

No Responses to “Christians Why Do You Give God Credit For Things Other People Give You?”

  1. Annas Sights says:

    We get our blessings thru other people. Our attitude makes us or breaks us. God is God almighty but needs our help to show others his love, mercy, kindness, etc. Yes, he can do anything, think anything, change anything, stop anything, etc. God touched, directed and grouped those medical professionals together for your Brother. They were there at that time for your Brother for a reason, he needed their skills and God blessed your Brother to get them.
    God is in charge now and forever but does things in a way to show mercy, love and understanding. He works with us individually because we all need help in different ways and at different times. If we trust him he has PROMISED to see us thru.

  2. Esther says:

    I understand that you don’t know that all knowledge and wisdom is given by God. A person who does not know God would have that lack of knowledge about Him and how He works.

  3. Michael says:

    in saying i think God for different things true christians no that it’s not the thing that is done but the ability to do it. Christians believe in creation so to take your brothers accident for example, first i will say I am glad that he is better, an that the doctors did good work. And in that ability is where the thanks to God comes in. James 1:17 says that ” Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the farther of the celestial lights, and with him there is not a variation of the turning of the shadow. Our bodies have natural heeling ability in an inperfect state, we are also able to think and reason on how to fix those things that no longer naturally occur do to our inperfection. As complexed as many of these things are the human mind is far more complex and grater. It wasnt by chance that man has this ability but by God and so we owe him our gratitude. It is the lest we can do.


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