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Can A Trooper Or Cop Search An Army Truck?

I used to work at a convience store years ago and one day about two to three army trucks pulled in. You’ve seen them before, they’re hauling something in back, tied down with a giant green trap. When the soldiers trundled in for refreshments, I tried asking them what was tied down underneath those tarps. I was promptly told that it was top secret like, and that they couldn’t tell me.
“Well,” I said, “where you guys headed anyhow? It’s obvious you’re hauling something somewhere.”
“Can’t tell you that either.”
So I gave up. They paid for their drinks and politely went on their way. My question is, if they were speeding on the highway and got pulled over by a state trooper, would the trooper have a legal right to search the truck? To see what is under the tarp? Would his authority exceed the U.S. governments order that whatever was being hauled was not to be seen by anyone? And if not, how would the soldiers stop him?
I ask all this because how easy it would be for a rich drug lord to buy some of those very same army trucks on the black market, hire some dopes dressed up in soldier uniforms to drive it, and load it up with his illegal drugs and haul it to whatever destination he wanted, if in fact a police officer cannot search one of those vehicles.
Just saying, for people who are on the dark side like that and don’t care about breaking the law, would something like that work? Tell me your thoughts.

No Responses to “Can A Trooper Or Cop Search An Army Truck?”

  1. kevin metzendorf says:

    good Q um no they cant because if the gov gives direct orders not to tell any one police count BUT police can type in the plate info and see if the trucks belong to the army or not witch then if its some joe shmoe one they can get to charges impersonating a gov car for a negative effect and the drugs or watevs they have

  2. myke_cyn says:

    the city or state cops do not have the right to search just like you dont have the right to ask any milarty truck that large are part of a convoy n the local state have been told they will be on the road
    us navy vet for 10 years and a us army vet for 6 years

  3. jeeper_p says:

    Yes, police have the same authority over military vehicles as any other, when they are on public roads.

  4. ________ says:

    They may conduct searches depending on the situation. For example, if a soldier (at the time) was in possession of illegal drugs, the officer can conduct a search by calling a canine unit to examine the trucks for drugs- if there are drugs, the officer can legally search the trucks. If there is classified material involved it should be forwarded to appropriate personnel and military legal. However, in order to search in this case (just for speeding) consent of the driver is required. You cannot search a car/truck just because you pulled them over for speeding.
    Actually, dressing up in uniform makes you stand out more. It is better to blend into the environment you are in. That idea may work in military towns and cities but if you live in an area with no near by bases, you’ll stand out like a sore thumb.

  5. John says:

    No, a tractor, without tags, black suvs, one front, one back, with a nuke onboard doing 90 plus, can not
    be stopped, by anyone,if they did they would be shot. If you had reservations, pick up the phone, as
    there are lots of alert numbers, try one.

  6. Cook MC says:

    If they’re off base, they’re fair game for law enforcement.

  7. kunigget says:

    If they are speeding, then they are still subject to civil law. They can be ticketed/arrested. If they are transporting classified material then they should have a courier letter which would prevent the actual material being searched/siezed. If they were arrested while transporting classified material, I’m not entirely sure how that would go down. They would probably have to be detained on the spot until another courier showed up to move the material.

  8. Marine5 says:

    Take this as True Fact…
    They were Bull SH*ting you…
    As NO TOP SECRET Military Shipment
    would ever stop at a Convenience store Ever…
    If they did there would be a Swarm of Choppers all over it…
    as they are Tracked by Satellite’s…
    Also do not know of any Military truck in Convoy that would be speeding…


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