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Do Religion-affiliated Colleges Have The Right To Discriminate Against Me For Being Agnostic?

I attend a Catholic university. It’s a really good school in my country. We have a required Theology class. We mostly keep an objective lesson but most professors can’t help but discriminate other religions and glorify Catholicism. I’m okay with that and can keep up with the lessons. I also do well in objective-type quizzes and recitations. But there are also instances where we have to recite our opinions on certain issues and of course the role of religion in it.
I never get a good grades when it comes to those kind of questions. They say I don’t “glorify” the religion enough. On one essay which asks us to describe our personal relationship with God, I gt a really low score for simply saying I respect religion but I don’t subscribe to it.
Do they have the right to discriminate against me like that? What am I supposed to do? Lie?

No Responses to “Do Religion-affiliated Colleges Have The Right To Discriminate Against Me For Being Agnostic?”

  1. Nate says:

    Yes, they can. Because they are a privately owned institution they can deny or differentiate services to anyone for any reason they choose. You can try bringing it up to some kind of dean of students or whatever, but you might not get far.

  2. Foiled again by those meddlesome says:

    Private institutions can do more or less as they wish.

  3. Yael ✡ says:

    Religious schools can discriminate since they don’t take government money. Why are you going to a religious school if you don’t believe in that religion anyway? Just be glad they didn’t take your money and kick you out even though you were a believer … like what John Brown University did to that gay Christian kid. I would suggest dropping the classes you aren’t doing well in and transferring to a public university next semester.

  4. K.DoT says:

    Nobody has the right to discriminate against u, simply bcuz of your beliefs.
    and yess.. lie like you’ve never lied before

  5. Me says:

    I don’t think that your answer was sophisticated enough for anything other than a failing grade. Next time use a little more creativity. Use Quantum Mechanics and the Unified Field of Consciousness to prove that you are a part of god, and then say that you like yourself.

  6. Pastors George and Sharon says:

    Well, no, you are supposed to tell the truth, but you did choose to be in an environment that focuses on God and living His way of life even though you are an agnostic. I suggest you approach your student adviser and discuss this issue or your professors themselves. They could probably help you navigate the system.

  7. Mr Bean says:

    What are you going to do when you get out into the real world? Blame everyone for your shortcomings? Again.
    You sound like a spoilt little brat.

  8. Eloiseme says:

    Realistically, the university can set whatever curriculum it likes. It’s a private organisation. It’s obviously not ideal that they should discriminate against you like that, and it’s pretty pointless to make someone pretend to believe something they don’t, but maybe it would be best just to lie.

  9. Siyanda Walter Mda says:

    It’s not discrimination – they are trying to show you the right path. You are lost, you need to find your way. You happen to be on their pathway. They can’t just leave you like that.

  10. Misty says:

    Yes, they do.They are a religious school and therefore God and religion are a part of it. You knew this going in. I imagine you are there for the excellent education you can’t get in a public school. So you’ll have to deal with this aspect.
    You can’t have a religious school education but expect them to function as a secular school.
    I would never council someone to lie, but I would suggest you talk to your religion teacher. Does he/she know you are agnostic? Ask what they expect of you in these situations. Since you believe in a possible higher being, you could explain your thoughts on that, or explain that you don’t have a person relationship with God and here is why…and describe your thoughts and perspective.

  11. Tolstoye says:

    Want to make sure I have this straight: You’re getting a low score in the class because you refuse to conform to totally pointless demands. You are a man of integrity, and that integrity forces you to take a stand for your beliefs, even in the face of totally unfair persecution by dim-witted autocrats. Long live the revolution of Reason!
    Had nothing to do with the dog eating your homework? Really?


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