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Is A Relationship Possible?

I met a young woman 10 years ago when we first started college. I failed to have the confidence to approach her and upon the day in which I did, she dropped the course. Eventually, I found her on MySpace. She rejected me saying that she was “having problems with the male race”. I probably terrified her.
As a relatively private introvert, I did not take it well and made some drastic changes the following years. I ended up finishing school in another state hoping to greet social change. It was indifferent. After school, I worked for a petrochemical company in Japan for 2 years before finding my niche in derivatives and forex. I returned to the states a year ago and my social life still does not existent.
I have tried dating. Coworkers and long time acquaintances have introduced me to friends and family and they have never worked.
I do not know why I admire her so much. Perhaps she is just so smart and conscientious that I cannot let go. Or perhaps, what the shrink says is true and my inability to let go and fail has become a detriment to my mind.
I have a wedding to attend in winter. I’ll be lending my GT2 to my older brother. He tells me if I really cannot give up, try one last time since time has passed. Perhaps a coincidental car accident preferably when she is not in her vehicle leaving a note to contact me.
We would meet at a bank and I would act as if I knew her once. Unfortunately, this is wrong in many ways. Materialism, manipulation, invasion of privacy, and especially stalking which I believe it what she feared. They are all morally wrong and still do not guarantee anything. In the end I just might end up with a two way $20,000 repair and compensation job which is easily 3 months insurance.
So, I am curious if the masses of people think that the plan is worth it, and if any of you have amoral suggestions.
I expect some insults and jokes. That is fine as well. •))

No Responses to “Is A Relationship Possible?”

  1. Bobby Shaw, Backwood Hunting says:

    I have relations with my right hand every night, so yes, relationships are possible.

  2. michael says:

    Damn you’re dedicated. If you honestly think that she’s worth all that trouble, why don’t you just talk to her like a normal person? That’s all it takes man. There’s nothing too it really.

  3. Desirae says:

    In all honesty I think you will always want what you can’t have. And forgive me for saying so, but I believe that because of this you have put her up on a pedestal so to speak. I mean, you think shes so wonderfully un-obtainable & must therefore be worth the effort. But you don’t know if that’s true. Have you given the thought that she may not be nearly as great as you see her in your mind. Hell, if you ever got in a relationship with her, you may be greatly disappointed!
    I think you should move on for your own sake. Who knows, the perfect partner for you may be right in front of you, & you don’t notice because you are so concerned with myths girl over there!
    Besides, love usually happens when you aren’t looking. Focus on yourself for awhile.


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