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Is This A Good Description Of The Far-right As A Cult?

It is a cult founded on a number of dogmatic beliefs that have no basis in reality. These are people who believe that the inflection point of the Laffer Curve is somewhere in the low single digits, and that cutting taxes to insanely low levels will magically lead to revenue increases. These are people who believe that government itself is basically unnecessary but for a private property protection scheme, and that the unfettered market will provide all that society needs, and will dole out the appropriate price for all goods, wages and services with zero inflation through the magic of the market. These are people who believe it is impossible for humans to affect the climate, and that it is better for humans to attempt to magically adapt somehow to a much hotter world than to do anything to even curb the behaviors that might be making it hotter. These are people who believe that the proper way to punish corporate evildoers is to not punish them at all, because people will simply stop purchasing from corporations that poison their water and air and crash their economies–because the average consumer presumably has the secret market-given wisdom, and magic powers necessary to make financial choices to punish Koch Industries and Goldman Sachs if necessary.

No Responses to “Is This A Good Description Of The Far-right As A Cult?”

  1. ruth says:

    Yeah, the cult known as “CPA’s” or “accountants.” And I didn’t read any farther than that.

  2. The Ardent and Austere Squire Po says:

    Yes, but you forgot the part about human sacrifice.
    @ Ruth, lol, I didn’t read any of it. No offense г๏๓คгє… She’s one of the “cool” liberals on here.

  3. Sam says:

    It could be, but one could say the same about the far-left. I.e. the cult of Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Chavez, Castro, Kim Jong il, etc. More evidence for that.

  4. Jason Jackson says:

    I’ve got “magic powers”……its called economics.
    Demand is ALWAYS infinite. Full employment is a natural condition of any economy. If those resources aren’t being used, then government regulations are causing it.
    Economics is a “far right” cult? Rofl. Its called reality. We all prosper through economics and capitalism.

  5. libstick says:

    A cult? The left likes using words like cult, radicals, extremist, and ignorant, and yet it continues to gain no traction with the people. The republicans are not a cult, and the Tea party were elected by republicans, democrats, and independents alike. Which is where America is at, thoroughly fed up with the Feds spending their hard earned money without any accountability. Why would any one advocate for more spending and government waste? This is serious business and we need the Tea Party looking out for us, because no one else is. If you want to label that as a Cult, then sign me up, do we get cool clothes and a cool hat to wear?

  6. N0rthMan says:

    Here’s a real magical fairy tail:

  7. LV426 says:

    Another liberal cut/paste rant with no credit given to the source.
    Did you plagiarize in school?

  8. Captain Crackbarry says:

    the only time in your rant that you didn’t follow “these are people who believe” with something that is a truism, or provable as fact with a brief search on google was the last one. But you see, if the government actually did it’s job where egregious polluters (not neccesarily those you cited) were concerned, thier messes would already be cleaned up, at thier expense,plus some, and the consumer wouldn’t Need to have mystical powers of discernment.

  9. rladlof says:

    Not a bad observation . . . Republicanism is faith-based rather than fact-based. Its believers are fanatical and the twin deities of Rondawg Raygun and Ayn Rand and with olden-time radio preachers. Republicans insist on giving welfare to welfare queens driving Bentleys . . . Where is the TEABAGGER outrage? Although there is proof that the RNC does care about the poor . . . Voter suppression efforts in every state with a Republican Governor.


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