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Can Someone Help Me With An Internet Business?

I need some help figuring out what I can sell on a website I want to create. I do not want to do affiliate programs, and all that..I want to sell actual products. I am 17, and I am into military stuff (i.e. guns, gun accessories, military apparel, military accessories, etc.) I am also into video games….but take note…again I am 17 YEARS OLD…no expendable/disposable income…NOT A LOT OF MONEY. Any cheap business ideas for a 17 Year Old would be appreciated…tanks.

No Responses to “Can Someone Help Me With An Internet Business?”

  1. Harvey says:

    Ryan, congratulations on being so entrepreneurial at such an early age. Because you don’t have a lot of start-up cash then you will need to find something to re-sell online. This is a process so don’t be so quick to count out reselling as an affiliate. I would use the google keyword tool and browse the categories to find one of the top searched tangible items in categories like apparel, beauty & personal care, consumer electronics or health, etc. Then I would take a look at the top item as far as global searches and click the magnifying glass on that item to see what google insight has to say about the top trending item around the world and things that are on the rise. I would then google the highest ranking term with the add on affiliate to find something that would pay you for reselling (i.e. military apparel + affiliate reseller). But do this only for things that are highly searched. You would then need to bring what ever item that you choose to market. Since it seems that you are familiar with blogs I would follow the steps below after you choose your products. This is a quick run through but you may find additional resources that can help you in my resource center.
    Step 1:
    Use Google Keywords to find a single keyword that best describes what you do.
    -Run filters, find words like it and phrases like it.
    Step 2:
    Use the phrase and works like it to find more keywords that are similar to it that have high competition and high rankings for global searches
    -Make a list of a few hundred keywords by repeating the process
    Step 3:
    Put those keywords in question format and upload those questions into Google Alerts
    Step 4:
    When someone has a question online then reach and help them answer it just like you would if a customer came into your physical store and include a link that may help them with the solution that you gave them.
    By providing them that link it will create a quality inbound link back to your website because we are assuming that by answer the question you’re knowledgeable about the topic. What’s great is that when other people who have similar questions come across your answer as the expert then it will drive more of the people in want or need to your solution/product.
    Do this because today’s marketplace is in cyberspace but we still want to treat people like they’re in our space 🙂
    Again, I have a resource center on my website with some information that may be beneficial to you.
    Best of luck to you!

  2. Ash says:

    Hey im 17 too and I just started a candle and soap company. you could do something cheap like that that you can make yourself and market for more. maybe if youre into guns and things, you could design military surplus items or something!

  3. christof says:

    try this
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