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Why Are So Many Muslim Terrorists Actually Of Jewish Descent?

Several examples come to mind. Three of the highest profile “muslim” extremists/terrorists presented to Americans on television are actually of Jewish descent:
“Adam Gadahn” is allegedly al Qaeda’s American spokesman. His real name is Adam Pearlman and his grandfather was on the board of prominent Jewish group “Anti-defamation League.”
“Abu Talhah al-Amrikee” is an apparent associate of the extremist “Muslim” website, “Revolution Muslim,” which threatened the creators of the program “South Park” in a very public and high profile manner. His real name is Zachary Adam Chesser.
“Yousef Al-Khattab” is the alleged founder of the aforesaid “Revolution Muslim” website. His real name is Joseph Cohen, and he is an Orthodox Jew who spent most of his youth being educated in Orthodox Yeshivas.,2933,341811,00.html
So why are three of the highest profile “Islamic terrorists” actually Jews? Are they self-hating Jews? What are the odds that Al Qaeda and its affiliate groups would select three self-hating Jews out of all of the other authentic Muslim “extremists” purported to exist, as their primary public relations representatives in the United States? Was this done by al Qaeda on purpose?
Help!!!!! I can’t make sense of this!!!

No Responses to “Why Are So Many Muslim Terrorists Actually Of Jewish Descent?”

  1. Qualified Expert says:

    Is it not obvious? Jews try and defame Muslims.
    They did the 9/11 Israeli Mossad Job… and they framed Muslims.
    They own the media, make Muslims look bad, and never show the good we do.
    They personate terrorists, and scream out “I’m Muslim” to make the world hate Muslims.
    Not all Jews… but Many…

  2. Tron Ourange says:

    Because the Zionists need to create an enemy to keep America on their side.

  3. hmghosth says:

    The real question is why do people keep lying about the Jewish People.

  4. Rock Star says:

    Maybe it’s because Judaism is a really big religion in the middle east? The constant war between Palastine and Israel ring a bell?
    People change beliefs, it happens every day.


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