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Husband Is Against Me Shaving My Head To Raise Funds For Child Cancer Research?

I want to shave my head to raise funds for cancer research in children. It breaks my heart to hear about children with cancer, and it makes me think about how my life would come crashing down around me if my own 18 month old daughter had cancer. I did research on this, and decided that I want to do this. It is only hair, it will grow back, and I would feel so proud to be throwing my vanity out the window to do a good thing. I told my husband about this earlier, and he got really angry. He said “He would never do it himself because he thinks its a stupid thing to do, and I wouldn’t raise a lot of money and it would not accomplish anything so it is a stupid idea” He also said that he’s not going to lie, my hair is one of the most beautiful things about me and he would be extremely disappointed to have me not have my hair for a while, and be not very attractive because of it. Last but not least, he told me that if “I think about this for a week and still want to do it, he would support me” but he said it in the nastiest and most non supportive, and frankly the meanest way he could, to let me know of his disgust for the idea. Vanity is apparently a bigger deal to him than I thought, and to be honest I am feeling disgusted with him because of this. Should I be? What are your thoughts?
It would raise money because I would be affiliated with an organization that does this – I would set up the time and place to shave, and leading up to the event, I would ask for donations from friends and family. I would make a website for it, and spread the word on facebook, and have friends tell friends and so on.
Also – my question is not whether or not you people personally think I should shave my head or not. My question is do you think it is wrong of my husband to be acting/feeling this way with his lack of support.

No Responses to “Husband Is Against Me Shaving My Head To Raise Funds For Child Cancer Research?”

  1. sarag200 says:

    I think your husband should be supportive of you and not controlling. what you want to do is a lovely, selfless thing that could help the lives of people in pain and raise awareness of what they are going through, if he can’t see that then he’s not as decent as he should be. and how dare he tell you “to think about it for a week and then he’ll support you”.being your husband doesn’t make him your keeper, its your hair and he should only be proud. I think he needs to shape up.

  2. Corey says:

    Don’t shave your head!!! Just donate a twenty.

  3. BabeHart says:

    It’s not necessary to shave it all off…you can have it cut very short and still accomplish the same thing, but not be bald…
    …and ANYONE raising money for cancer research or treatment gets my support…thank you…

  4. Peace and Long Life says:

    No I think that your husband is entitled to his own feelings. I know that my husband would also be very upset if I were to do this. I also think he makes a good point about how negligent your contribution would be. I think it would make you feel like you’re doing something to find a “cure” for cancer – when in fact it isn’t doing much.
    It doesn’t make sense anyway, how would you shaving your head help cure cancer?
    I think your husband is right and you should listen to him.

  5. GYNUWYNE says:

    I think he wants you to think about it for a week bc he feels like you haven’t given it much thought as to the consequence for shaving your head.
    The world is vain. When they see a bald woman walking down the street, they look and stare and gossip as to why her head is shaved. it’s going to take a long time b4 your hair grows to a descent length. Can you put up with the rudeness from others until it grows back? Or do you plan on wearing a wig for a while?
    In the end it is your choice. You want support and he will support you but don’t expect him to be happy about it, that’s asking too much.

  6. moonzomb says:

    I’ve shaved my head, not for this particular reason. I have a hair pulling disorder and I was trying to break the cycle. I kept my hair shaved literally to the scalp (with clippers not a straight razor) for 6 months. Personally I thought I looked amazing. But you do feel extremely vulnerable, like walking around in public with no pants or something. I wore a hat around until my hair grew back. But when it did I had a smoking hot wicked short pixie “cut”.
    My husband actually shaved my head for me the first time. After that I did it myself. I think your husband may just be insecure, or cares a little too much what other people think. When I let my husband know I was 100% commited to doing it, any hesitation on his part was gone. He knows when I make a decision there’s no sense creating conflict over it, because I’m going to do what I want anyway.
    You hair will take a bit to grow back. Probably atleast 3 months to have that really short pixie. I take hair regrow vitamins by called hairtopia. They’re expensive, but if you want your hair to grow back extra fast, I swear these work awesome.
    I think your husband is being a little childish, pouting about. It may surprise him how sexy you are with your head shaved. If you act really confident about it, that is far sexier than a lush mane.
    If all else fails to convince him, tell him you’ll get a Brazilian wax if he agrees to the shaved head. All guys like that, Win win.


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