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100k/year Job And Confused!!!?

I was wondering the lists of jobs/careers that will pay 100k/year after around 5 years of experience not including the schooling. I’m fine with going to school for 4-7 years MAX, would really prefer not to go to school more than that. I’m 21 (just turned 21 two days ago) and I have not been to college yet. I do have my high school diploma but a very poor GPA. I’m not stupid but I did have a hard life. I didn’t make my life hard for myself by partying and drinking but it involves more with parents/etc. I don’t mean to make ‘excuses’ for myself but life does have extreme difficulties that I couldn’t avoid and that’s just the way it is.
I grew up in a poor home, been homeless a couple times and didn’t have a lot of anything so I would love to change that for myself and my family and my future family.
I’ve done some research and I first was planning on becoming a psychologist. I couldn’t handle that though, I don’t have tough skin and I couldn’t ‘handle’ other peoples problems. I have enough of my own. Then interior design, I don’t have the niche for it I don’t think. Then computer science but I know I would hate doing that for the rest of my life.
So, besides those and besides anything to do with dentists, doctors/nurses and sales I was wondering what else pays around 100k/year, with around 5 years experience(not talking about right out of college) and 4-7 years of college(any Colleges you recommend in Illinois?).
Thank you all for your time!
P.S. I love inventing things!! I have around 10-15 inventions that are currently not available, but I did not check if it has already been patented though. How do I do that without a big rich guy/corp. stealing it? I know patenting sometimes isn’t the best way to go.

No Responses to “100k/year Job And Confused!!!?”

  1. Nutty Chocolatier says:

    The list of careers that earn 100k is actually quite small, and it gets smaller when you put a time cap of 7 years in school + 5 years of work experience on it.
    -Medical doctors; always earn more than $100k, but sadly must be stricken from the list because it’s 8 years of school + residency before you’re actually a doctor.
    -Lawyers (but not *all* lawyers…pay levels in law span from just scraping by to several hundred thousand dollars). Also, you very likely wouldn’t reach 100k within 5 years.
    -Corporate executive. Attainable either by climbing the corporate ladder, or by being the founder of your company and driving your business to great success. Takes a lot longer than 5 years to climb that ladder. If you start your own company, well, the odds are against your success in the first place, let alone achieving great success in under 5 years.
    -Celebrities (sports, music, film, whatever) Not a very realistic goal.
    -Engineers, but not always. And perhaps not within 5 years of experience, but maybe. A lto of it depends on what kind of engineer you become.
    -Software development and networking for big players in the industry. Takes more than 5 years of experience.
    -University professors sometimes. But that takes more than 7 years of school, more than 5 years of experience, and jobs like that are becoming rarer and rarer, as schools try to save money by hiring adjuncts instead.
    That’s all I can think of. So, your goals are somewhat unrealistic at the moment. I can understand why earning a top salary like that is a very appealing idea, but you can have a great quality of life with less than that. Truthfully, very few *households* (can include more than 1 income earner) ever make $100k a year, let alone individuals.
    When you choose your career, do whatever makes you happy. Truly enjoying your work makes it a lot easier to work harder to reach the top level of whatever field you’re working in. And don’t lose sleep over trying to make $100k a year…if that ends up being a possibility for you, then by all means go for it. But if you have to make a choice between doing something that will actually *like* doing and making a lot of money, choosing happiness is the best plan.

  2. Zarg222 says:

    practically NOTHING pays $100k a year guaranteed with only 5 yrs experience and you will need extremely high grades in college to get beyond a 4 yr degree
    except maybe outside sales and if you were already doing that, you would already know if you had the ability to make $100k a yr
    90% of people will never make $100k a yr EVER, never mind after working only 5 yrs – $50-60,000 is a stretch more most jobs at that point in a career and that kind of earning potential usually requires a promotion into management
    what have you been doing for the last 3 yrs since high school to better yourself?
    since you have no real plan for a career yet, just start going to a community college and taking basic general education and basic computer literacy courses – you will need to take all that stuff no matter what you major in and a community college will save you 60-70% on the tuition vs a 4yr college

  3. drewski0 says:

    First, forget what that Zarg222 as$hole said, he’s a angry moron. It’s none of his f*cking business what you’ve been doing, everyone has their issues and some worse than others! I hate ignorant idiots. You should be proud of yourself for making the decision to better yourself and get a better job! Don’t pay attention to the money aspect because it’s not that important. I know you had a hard time financially as a child and want to change that but I’m sure you’ll be financially stable at a job that pays 50k-60k. Really think about your interests and what you would love to do. If you’re unsure then take a career quiz. Also, it is very possible to earn that much throughout your life time with dedication and hard work! Again though, don’t pay too much attention to the money and work more on what you love or like to do. Good luck hun. Also, with the invention thing, I have no idea. I say don’t waste your time on it because it’s very difficult to not get ripped off or never make it to market. But if you’re very passionate about it don’t ever give up!


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