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Saw Someone At A Hospital…?

basically, he had just come out of the MRI area with one of those surgical masks. They prevent anything harmful with coming in contact with something that it could be harmful to. What i cant figure out, is why he came out of an MRI with one of those on. If he had some sort of spreadable disease, then why did he need an MRI?
I am in no way affiliated with this boy, but it has been bugging me for two days now, to the extent of research, but i just cant find anything. Any insight that could ease my curiosity would be greatly appreciated.

No Responses to “Saw Someone At A Hospital…?”

  1. Soapy says:

    Maybe he was sick AND had some other issue in which he had to get an MRI.
    What, are you looking for a zombie virus or something?

  2. heythats says:

    The boy probably suffers from any sort of disease that weakens the immune system or is on immunosuppressant drugs. The mask is to protect himself as opposed to others. Hospitals, however clean they may look, have many pathogens on surfaces and in the air that can sicken those with compromised immunity.

  3. Strawber says:

    He very likely was either sick with a cold or flu, or he himself could have had a weakened immune system. They ask everyone entering a hospital to wear a mask if you have a cough or cold to prevent the risk of spreading your germs. It could have been a routine matter and he happened to have a cold. He could have an auto-immune disorder. He could have had AIDS or another immune system-weakening disorder and been protecting himself.
    Nobody would need a mask for an MRI. So he was either blocking his germs or protecting himself. Or, if he was very young, perhaps he was wearing it just for fun or comfort during what could have been somewhat frightening for a child.


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