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So This Shooter Guy Was Affiliated With Extremist Right Wing Group.?

This group known as American Renaissance group is a hate group with anti government, anti semetic, anti immigratifon views. Oh the politicians he shot were Jewish, surprised anyone?

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  1. Greg0787 says:

    he also had paranoid rants about the federal government and something about “returning to the gold standard”. Google it. I think it was on his youtube page or myspace.

  2. I'm out to get you says:

    The right wing is doing everything they can to deflect from the fact that this guy was one of them.

  3. El Tecolote says:

    If you fire into a crowd in Tucson, you’re almost guaranteed to hit a Jewish person.
    Besides, I’ve been a party to it, I know, but even I’m getting a little tired of trying to convince the left that this guy has more left-wing leanings than right-wing leanings. We’re all stepping over each other trying to convince each other that the left is to blame, no, the TEA Party is to blame…
    And meanwhile, the families of the victims are shattered beyond any repair ever again and they’re just getting left by the wayside in the middle of all this crap.

  4. Rattles says:

    He was sick !
    And you are sick for using this
    for your own agenda !

  5. Danny says:

    You should be ashamed. Using a tragedy like this further your political goals is just……..well sickening.

  6. Evie says:

    The first article you cite is asking if he was a member and that a memo from homeland security suggests he MAY not he WAS.
    It also states “there’s nothing to lead one to think he would lean that way.”
    Your second link also states, “Loughner’s online postings include language that is in line with such beliefs.” But there is yet again NO PROOF that he was ever associated with these groups. None of his video suggest he was a racist. They talked more about government and his hatred for illiterate people that did not use proper grammar.

  7. WilliamH says:

    So, no agenda here? They discussed this on TV and interviewed the head of this group, he denies the allegations and states that this individual has never been a member, never bought anything from them and never attended any of their events. This organization is an East Coast organization, not based in Arizona.
    So who is pushing these lies? You?
    Who pushed the lies that he was an Afghanistan war vet? More lies.
    The guy is an anti-government anarchist wacko, far more left leaning than right leaning.

  8. Tina says:

    And he was turned on by Palin’s poster that had cross hairs on her face.

  9. Erin says:

    To say the kid was disillusioned is non-descriptive enough to put this situation in perspective. He seemed to have no political leanings one way or another with anything concerning the American Political System other than his hatred for it. It seems to me, we should focus on his socialization process and ask how and why this happened so in a utopian society we can stop it from happening again. If you look at the books he read he seemed to be trying, in his own weird way to understand different ways in which to govern. Maybe he was looking for a political system were people didn’t feel like a number. His reality was skewed, but to a certain extent we have all felt like him at one time or another. He was sick and needed help, whatever political affiliation he had. People are politically active, Americans have many opinions that differ, and the climate is heated at the moment. These things we know, but ask yourself this. Would your focus be on politics if one of your family member were injured/killed? Lets stick to the facts people, and stop speculating.
    Independent Voter


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